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Send to Onenote


New Member
When working with an email using Outlook Web Access, I want to send an email with an attachment to Onenote 2013. I know I can send the email (without the attachment) or I can save attachment and send that alone. Is there a way to send both similar to within Outlook?
The Send to OneNote uses the virtual printer so it doesn't include the attachments and since there isn't Outlook in Office 2013 RT Home and Student, Microsoft removed the integration feature. I personally get around this using RDP to a Windows 8 Host and SkyDrive Sync for my OneNote Notebooks. I use the Outlook/OneNote Integration on my desktop and allow it to Sync, open up the notes on my Surface RT for note taking...
On my RT I can select an email with attachment > Charms Bar > Devices > Send to OneNote 2013
Thanks, I am not sure these will work for me. I am using the full desktop version of Onenote with my Surface Pro. I am not using the Onenote app because it requires using skydrive and I cannot use that for work. Unfortunately I also cannot use the full outlook on my surface pro yet because we don't use windows 8 yet. So I need to use OWA with desktop Onenote 2013.
I'm confused, why can't you use Outlook? Is it company policy that you can't download email in a BYOD? Because if you can the integration is built in with out needing to use Send to or Print to...
Correct, no Byod for this purpose. Once our system accepts windows 8 I should be able to use outlook but not yet.
Unfortunately you'll need to do the 2 step process as the full integration comes between Outlook and OneNote.