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RDP to Desktop -- Discoveries & Challenges

Now for WireShark, too little info soooo..... run it again with the following tests:
. . .
I'll give you my email in a private message, zip the output and send to me and I'll load it up on WireShark on my end to analyze it. Don't worry about extra garbage, the view can be filtered by IP.

This is your data so up to you if you want to post any of it in this thread openly, you can email me the info if you prefer. I'm travelling for work tomorrow and won't be back until after the weekend so I won't have time to analyze until then.

Rob --

As always, thanks again for your interest and efforts.

I followed your instructions (except for Zipping the file -- too late now), and sent the file and other details to you by email.

I included all the other details in the email, but only because it made more sense to have it all in one place. I don't mind posting anything openly, so, if anyone else is following this and would like some of the details, just speak up and I will post them.

I'm pretty good with computers, but for the intricacies of networking, I am, as we used to say back in manufacturing, "high on the learning curve." (Working my way down, though.)

Thanks again and take care,
My Windows 7 64-bit has it...

Arnold --

I booted up another Win7, 64-bit system I have. It does not have that folder, either. My 32-bit system does have it.

I don't understand it, but there is a long, long list of things I don't understand, and a lot of the items have to do with computers.

Take care,

Rob, et al --

I eliminated one variable: it is not the system hardware. This my most recent build. It is an Asus P9X79 Deluxe, with I7-3820 and 16 gigs of memory.

I pulled a drive from another Win7, 64-bit machine, cloned it and installed it in this system. After updating all the drivers for P9, I changed its name to Win7-1, rebooted and tried RDP from the Surface RT. It connected smoothly.

So, it ain't the hardware. It is something lurking down in the bowels of my system software. Probably not surprising as this is the system I use most and mess with the most. I try new stuff on this machine, so it has a revolving door for entry and exit. It's probably something left over from one of my experiments. For that reason, I frequently clone this drive and keep a full, bootable back-up just in case the SHTF with one of my experiments.

All things considered, though, it is mostly trouble-free and it is quick -- I73820 and an Intel SSD sorta helps with that.
