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Preview Microsoft's Skype Translator!


Editor in Chief

Microsoft just announced announced they will make the preview version of the Skype Translator available to try out, if you have a Windows 8.1-based PC or tablet. You will also need to sign up on Skype’s official preview registration page. It's important to note that this is just a preview. It won't translate things perfectly because the company is still working out the kinks. Despite that, the promise that the software holds has some amazing potential, and it will be really cool to see this software develop into something that breaks through language barriers and connects people across old boundaries.

It only supports “a few” languages right now, but more are coming in the future. Furthermore, Microsoft said the software can continue to learn on the fly and will get better the more you use it. Awesome! Please sound off in this thread if you have tried this and let us know what you think of it.

Source: http://www.skype.com/en/translator-preview/