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Pre-Sale Questions / Surface pro

Oion --

Your second piece of advice is spot on. We do not need another whiny Surface Pro owner around here.


Or another creepy poster always mentioning his 'Ladyfriend'... All stocked up on those too.
It would seem MS could do a much better job conveying the capability of it in their TV commercials.

I think everyone can agree that MS's marketing really sucks donkey...

My specific comment above ("However, the Surface, I think its reasonable to assume, is on par with other pad type devices") was focused only on its battery and charging requirements - not its functionality as a computer. With respect to the advertised Surface battery capacity, and that advertised for the 8.9" Kindle Fire (since my wife and I each have one), they are indeed somewhat similar. Therefore, I still think a USB charging solution would be a viable. I do not understand the MS decision to give it a dedicated and unique charger since its battery capacity is somewhat similar to other pad type devices.

You're not quite seeing the big picture, so--the reason why we keep reiterating that it's a full-blown computer in mini form is to point out that it's powerful, right? Total battery capacity is a small part of the equation. Like I said about the trifecta above, high power means it uses more energy. So let's say, conservatively, the Surface Pro can be hammered down in about 4 hours. As a mobile computing device, how could any company positively market that a device run down in 4 hours could be recharged via USB overnight? Think about it--the manufacturer/vendor is only concerned about how users use the thing, and that doesn't include the down-time, so for a mobile computing device, you want to minimize downtime. It takes 2-4 hours to recharge the Surface Pro from dead using its native charger, and that's probably the absolute limit the MS engineers were aiming for. To say "or you can recharge by USB but it'll take at least overnight or more" isn't a selling point for a device that for so many people doesn't last the entire work day, nor would a mobile device be given any efficiency stars if it took much longer to recharge after actual use (like 6 hours to recharge after 4 hours of hard use).

There is no laptop, subnotebook, ultrabook in existence right now that charges through USB. It's not viable for real mobile computing. And it's not a simple hardware fix (that new standard was announced 2012, so clearly engineering is still trying to catch up).

This still does not matter, and represents only something I wish it had, as I am almost probably going to buy one anyway.

Well, more power to you, and hope you do enjoy it. Maybe then you can get rid of those redundant Kindle Fires and everything else besides your iPhones. :D
To the OP. I think you answered your own question in the OP. You state you will not use Windows 8, I assume you mean metro. There are a ton of other choices out there that wont make metro essential. Ultra Book is my suggesiton too. The SP would be a nice reason to go to the store twice in a day for you. Once to get and once to take it back.
Yeah, well, at least she knows how to use the Pro and doesn't have to indulge in fantasies about shooting it.



I often read your posts and think " wow he didn't manage to work his 'Ladyfriend' into this post " and then I read the next line and there it is.... At least this way I know you havent been kidnapped by aliens... Thats not a Russ post - wait wait - there it is, the obligatory Ladyfriend mention, yep thats him :D I dont have fantasies about shooting it, I killed it. I returned it for cash money. Best move I ever made. Its funny, I bought this ultra book with roughly the same specs and I keep thinking: its cheaper, has adjustable viewing angles, is easily serviced, has a bigger screen and a battery that lasts twice as long as the Surface Pro and all for about 2/3 what I paid for my pro with keyboard and roughly .9 Lbs in added weight. Sorry if I take your comment as a badge of honor and not as the insult it was intended to be. To each their own, said the old lady as she kissed the cow.
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I dont have fantasies about shooting it, I killed it. I returned it for cash money.

Machismo --

So, did you return it for cash before or after the "deeply satisfying EXPLOSION?" Just curious.

As to Ladyfriend, her Pro usage is more relevant than mine, since she has made a long, grueling trip with it; often uses it in "desktop replacement" mode, both home and office, so she doesn't have to transfer files, and uses it for work and play on 18-hour flights.

Have a nice day (as they say in California),

@ Russ
I for one love the Asus Zenbook Prime. It is everything the SP isnt and cheaper. 7 hours of battery life headed to 10 in the haswell flavors. And the deeply satisfying explosion comment was made by my Vice President after I told him the story about returning the device and his own experience with his TPT2 as part of our pilot program. I just think its a pretty accurate expression of the way I(and a lot of others) feel about the entire set of 8 tablets to date. They are NOT ready and they will most likely not be anytime soon. I would call them marginal at best. I would love to see a good one mind you and stand ready to put my money where my mouth is again, provided the right blend is offered. Overall my Windows 8 SP experience was not positive enough to warrant keeping the device. They are selling RT's refurbed on ebay for $199 now. Maybe I will snag one for consumption and to have the original device as I think they are destined to become a coffee table talking point. Like the KIN is forgotten, so will the RT be as well. The SP just misses in too many KEY areas to be worth the LARGE investment, for me anyway.

Lipstick on pigs and all that Jazz aside the SP is near miss. It was close, but that only counts in handgrenades, horseshoes and nuclear warfare.

Again, as they say, to each their own said the old lady and she kissed the cow.... your cow is the SP and more power to you....but if I was on an 18 hour flight I would want more than 4 hours of battery life, just saying as they say in California, you bought what?
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Lol...you're funny..

Sp wasn't a miss. Of course any kind of device could be made better. But no tablet, by any manufacturer, over the $1000 price range is selling in the millions. All these high end full PC windows running devices are a niche market anyways...people want more power and battery life and mobility but don't want to pay the money it'll take to get that kind of technology.
Must admit, I find the SP a fantastic piece of kit, fulfilling all my requirements and more (and I say that having been a diehard Apple user for the past 10+ years). Sure, there could be better aspects but then again, any piece of hardware could be improved. But for me, it is easily up to the task of desktop/laptop/tablet replacement. I love it and quite frankly don't care that it has come down in price. The only downside has been having to migrate my media to Windows (not found a quick and easy Aperture to Lightroom library transfer method yet) but that's no biggy.