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OH Y E A H my credit card was charged sp2 on the way.....

Woke up early to pre-order the 256/8 within minutes of opening. Had a fraud alert Friday, cleared the charge with chase and called MS store to reattempt the charge, ordered a type cover. Type cover on the way, but they never bothered to charge my card a second time. Their support on the phone and on chat was worthless too. Escalate case 2-3 days? Really, just process the charge. I've been really looking forward to the SP2 for weeks now, guess a few more days aren't the end of the world.

I'm in the exact same situation. Citibank's fraud alert triggered on Friday with the attempted charge from MS, so I called them to unblock the card. Then I called the MS Store and the rep swore things were ok with the order. Well, it didn't ship yesterday as planned, so I called MS Store again. Now they've "escalated", but I still have no info on if/when the order will ship or what the problem actually is. My wife is a very unhappy, she is a Microsoft Certified Trainer Regional Lead, and a consultant for MS Dynamics. This "store" can't even help the very people that promote MS products.
Ordered two SP2 256, and two Type Cover 2s of different colors. I got three tracking numbers. One for each surface, and one for one of the type covers. What are people weights on their type cover packages? Hoping they just bundled both type covers into one box.
I have probably the weirdest UPS tracking I've ever seen:

View attachment 1154

US to Canada, back to US then back to Canada? It's literally a couple of miles away from my house, but my tracking just says "In Transit" with no expected delivery date anywhere to be found.

Mississauga brother! nice to know north of the border has love for the surface.

i had an update that said delivery today...it got changed to tomorrow. is there a reason to live anymore?
Mississauga brother! nice to know north of the border has love for the surface.

i had an update that said delivery today...it got changed to tomorrow. is there a reason to live anymore?

Haha, mine updated to out for delivery today! Very excited.
My Surface is out for delivery, excellent. I find it hilarious that the mass media (and usual Apple fanatics, nothing new there) are harping on the launch party being fail or whatever, but I suspect most people preordered and... c'mon, if Surface users are more likely to use their devices for practical functionality, don't forget that it's a WEEKDAY and some of us have to, you know, work the next morning. Who has time for a weekday midnight cult party unless we're talking pure entertai--? Oh, right... :p

Once again the "official reviews" skirt the edge of incompetency, even if they're half-decent this time around. I don't think those people should be in the business of writing reviews unless they give devices an honest take at use cases. Once again the media---and this makes sense to me since mass media in this internet age is essentially entertainment fluff---is obsessed with highlighting "lack of apps." As far as I know, the kind of consumer who appreciates both Surface lines place much lower priority on the app store. This is borne out in the user reviews, certainly.

Ultimately, as long as MS continues to send out patches and support for my device, I don't care what else happens. It's MY shiny precious. Or it will be once the delivery person knocks on my door, dammit.
People who have honestly looked at them notice that while yes, there aren't as many apps, what is there is usually of very good quality. And they integrate with the UI very well. I use my Xperia for media consumption, and I can do that on the Surface plus be more productive. It's a win/win for me.

My Surface is out for delivery, excellent. I find it hilarious that the mass media (and usual Apple fanatics, nothing new there) are harping on the launch party being fail or whatever, but I suspect most people preordered and... c'mon, if Surface users are more likely to use their devices for practical functionality, don't forget that it's a WEEKDAY and some of us have to, you know, work the next morning. Who has time for a weekday midnight cult party unless we're talking pure entertai--? Oh, right... :p

Once again the "official reviews" skirt the edge of incompetency, even if they're half-decent this time around. I don't think those people should be in the business of writing reviews unless they give devices an honest take at use cases. Once again the media---and this makes sense to me since mass media in this internet age is essentially entertainment fluff---is obsessed with highlighting "lack of apps." As far as I know, the kind of consumer who appreciates both Surface lines place much lower priority on the app store. This is borne out in the user reviews, certainly.

Ultimately, as long as MS continues to send out patches and support for my device, I don't care what else happens. It's MY shiny precious. Or it will be once the delivery person knocks on my door, dammit.
anyone has ship date Oct 29 got shipped? mine is still in process, customer rep has no idea when it will be shipped