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No MWh values in batteryreport


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to check the battery status of my new surface 3 (used for about 3 weeks), but when I run powercfg -batteryreport in cmd, I would get the HTML file. However, there would be no values next to any MWh readings. I dug around and haven't come across a fix. Has anyone encountered a similar problem or has found a fix. MS support has been unhelpful.

Thanks for any help.
Hi, thanks for the hints.

How would I go about checking the system Date and Time?

In the threads you linked, it seems that they had an update which pushed the system time to 2062 (with batteryreports indicating 2062 at the time of generating the report). However, my reports are all display 2015 (the correct time). Could there be something else that is causing this bug?

Thanks again.