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New HD 4000 Video Driver Officially Available at Intel (


New Member
New official video driver now available for download.

https://downloadcenter.intel.com/De...rsion=Windows 8, 64-bit*&DownloadType=Drivers

I should say that this is Intel's official release. We need Microsoft to officially release it under their Windows Updates for the SP. Hopefully they add some improvements on their end for the SP, and certainly keep the Control Panel at the very least.

The Control Panel does need some improvements. Microsoft, put a little color into it as well, PLEASE, instead of the blah Blue and White that Intel has for it. ;)
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Wow just installed and a holographic supermodel appeared above my SP and made sweet love to me.

Lol, well not really but it does seems snappier :)
Thank you for posting the link... Installed no issues. New control panel and as mitchellvii stated is snappier. I hope the 10% battery savings holds true.
Any of you notice a stutter when scrolling your start screen? Mine did after installing this driver. Also, my versions didn't match up. Instead of, mine said Is that correct or does the Intel page have a typeo? At any rate, the stutter was bugging me so I reverted to the MS driver for now.
Ruffles... I have not had any stutter My driver also states with a date of 3/19/2013.. The control panel is different than previous versions, don't know why the driver is at 9 and not on 15?
thanks for the link, installed this last night. I noticed windows update wanted to install the march update again, I'm not sure if the new driver triggered it, so I just hid the update. hopefully that'll keep windows update from rolling back to the older driver.
I was hoping that wouldn't happen. Guess I won't be installing it.

like I said, just hide the update and you should be ok. I installed the driver and checked windows update before the reboot. hid the old update and it hasnt rolled back.
Any of you notice a stutter when scrolling your start screen? Mine did after installing this driver. Also, my versions didn't match up. Instead of, mine said Is that correct or does the Intel page have a typeo? At any rate, the stutter was bugging me so I reverted to the MS driver for now.

I haven't installed this driver but I've always noticed a sort of a stutter on the start when I have the screen set to a lower resolution. It's fine when I put it back to the normal (hishest) resolution.
like I said, just hide the update and you should be ok. I installed the driver and checked windows update before the reboot. hid the old update and it hasnt rolled back.
I don't want to be not installing Windows updates. I'll just wait to see if MS will support a driver update.