For Modem - tethering from cell is enough ... integrated LTE modem would add another bill to pay ... :-(
The reality is that integrating an LTE (or whatever modem) is a matter of convenience.
You're not getting your fictional *pro* device. 15w parts will have exactly the same problems. 5w parts step down the performance. A bigger device offers no advantages.
amoled is not that good, especially for its pen-tile
I would agree that bezels could be reduced although they do serve a purpose in that they give you something to hold. Your marriage to your tablet would be fleeting without something to have and to hold onto.I would like Microsoft (or some other manufacturer) to create a hybrid with no bezels at all. All screen with maybe 5mm bezels and that's it. If a digitizer is not possible with thin bezels, then ditch it for that model. But they're just lazy and keep copying each other's designs.
In the case of the SP3 it is more than convenience, if I understand what you're saying. Microsoft specifically said that they have continued to use the Marvel wireless chip because it is the only one available that has Bluetooth combined on the same chip. If they are that pressed for space, then I have to believe that inclusion of an LTE chip was something that they just didn't have room for.
Also maybe I should do a poll, but I do believe that the number of folks demanding a dedicated LTE option, are very much in the minority to those who are fine with tethering.
My .02.