It seems, to me at least, that mounting an SD card as "removable" media rather than as a drive seems arbitrary. Why is it that a USB Flash "stick" is mounted as a drive (most of the time) and a card mounted as removable? Many people use the two interchangeably. If we were able to mount the Micro SDXC card as a drive, all the problems with trying to make the card part of a library would, it seems, go away. On the other hand, if we were able to add removable media to a library, the problem would also go away. As a side note, I have a stick that windows thinks is a CD.
How is this sort of thing managed? Is there some way to change the mounting method? Is it determined at format time? Is it a function of the drivers?
How is this sort of thing managed? Is there some way to change the mounting method? Is it determined at format time? Is it a function of the drivers?