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Microsoft Adds Dancing with the Stars Predictions & More Sprots Tracking to Cortana


Editor in Chief

Microsoft is doing a great job of constantly adding new features and functionality to Cortana. Just last month they added support for Daily Glance for evenings, Chat Cards for flights, recommendations for concerts and local apps, and several new sports tracking experiences. Microsoft just got done adding new stuff today.

They added tracking for new soccer leagues such as EPL, Bundesliga, La Liga, Italian Serie A, Ligue 1, and NCAA football teams. You can also get standings for your favorite NFL teams.

They also gave Cortana the odd ability to predict the results of the Dancing With The Stars (DWTS) show. Here's a quote,

Just ask Cortana “Who will be eliminated in DWTS”, “Who is safe in DWTS”, or “Who is in jeopardy DWTS” for this week and she will give you an answer! You can even ask her “Who will win DWTS this year” to look ahead at what you might expect.

While that last feature isn't likely something that will blow anyone away, it's still intriguing to see how creative the Microsoft engineers can get.

Source: http://blogs.windows.com/bloggingwi...redicts-the-winner-of-dancing-with-the-stars/

"Microsoft Adds Dancing with the Stars Predictions & More Sprots Tracking to Cortana"

I'm not a dancing fan but might be interested in these "Sprots" if I knew more about them. Then again Bean Sprot betting can be addictive. :D