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Manafacturing Defects on the Surface RT

Its 'cosmetic' It still works ok ... I've never had such a lousy peice of hardware. My 3 year old Fujitsu laptop looks better than my surface.
I suspect they'd consider it cosmetic, rather than a hardware fault, which the warranty won't cover. But, I would keep pushing for it because, whether it's officially covered or not that shouldn't happen within the space of 6 months (although, of course, that does also depend on its usual environment and activities).

Edit: Didn't see the last two posts before I submitted my response, so it does just repeat what you've already said ...
In the first couple of months following the release of the first generations, Microsoft did in fact replace units showing that cosmetic defect; the press was all over it, I'm sure. As time passed, however, MS stopped doing it--there are certainly "cosmetically faulty" units still roaming out there, but technically it's not covered under warranty. It's not oxidation, but rather the VaporMG layer peeling off (it's not paint, either). Mine exhibited some light flaking on the back, but it was so far past that initial release period I didn't bother trying to get a replacement.

There are tons of decals and cases available for the Surface RT, though. I'd personally go for a decal.

Edit to add:
Off hand, since the exposed parts appear to be the same color as the Surface 2, we shouldn't expect to see these kind of problems?

The VaporMg coating is magnesium and the case itself is magnesium; VaporMg was done for the cosmetic look. Originally MS wanted the solid dark stuff, but I believe due to costs they kept with the "veneer" treatment. In Surface 2, MS simply opted to skip the VaporMg veneer step. I personally like it better, a lot less fingerprint-prone.
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I don't know why they're giving you a hard time! I read a person on here was able to replace his Surface because the windows logo wore off!!! which to me is a silly reason to replace a Surface lol don't give up and def speak to a supervisor!
To add--I'm pretty sure all the previous exchanges for the VaporMg flaking were done in the stores themselves. Online support takes a harder by-the-book line for warranty and such.
I don't know why they're giving you a hard time! I read a person on here was able to replace his Surface because the windows logo wore off!!! which to me is a silly reason to replace a Surface lol don't give up and def speak to a supervisor!

I remember that too. I would take your peeling Surface to a Microsoft store if possible to try to get an exchange. Problem does seem to be the wear and tear I felt they might say voids the warranty or is not honored for a replacement. Do not give up easily and good luck with the battle.
sorry but that is beyond wear N tear! that should NOT flake like that in 6 months! that def is a manufacturing paint defect
sorry but that is beyond wear N tear! that should NOT flake like that in 6 months! that def is a manufacturing paint defect

I agree. It looks like the thing is 10 years old and spent time in a war zone. My comment of wear and tear is something I have heard used a few times with defective cell phone casings. Many times they try to pin all the fault on us instead of their defective piece. I am sure they will say he pealed off the coating, abused it, whatever it takes to not honor the warranty. I am not talking specifically about Microsoft, but many consumer goods companies out there do the same because unfortunately a few abuse the system and we suffer for it. If that was my Surface pealing like that I would raise holy hell and mention I was on certain forums to talk about my situation and I bet they do not want bad publicity. They get that enough from many of the tech sites with their bias against Microsoft and others.
^^ totally agree with your post, as I would be raising hell also and then tell them to take the device and shove it where the sun don't shine lol I bet the OP would have better luck if he can take it to the MS store physically and raise a little hell like that group "Trooper" song lol
lol @ kristalsoldier ... yes its sheddings its skin... when complete I will have a surface 2 lol

I would say peel the rest of it off and go for that sexy Sirface2 look. Once its off, no more worries ;)

But yeah, no reason it should have peeled off so early. You must've had an early model that I heard had paint issues or whatever.