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Magnetic Charger Connection

Sir Face

New Member
I find that if I remove my Type Cover keyboard from my SP2, putting it back on is a snap (literally, pun intended). Get it anywhere close and it just attaches itself magnetically and aligns fine. On the other hand, attaching the magnetic charger terminal to the Surface, although it's strongly magnetic, can be a bit of a chore getting it lined up precisely. It's as though it's fit has to be super precise and requires a bit of fiddling with to get seated just right. Is this normal or I just have a bad match between Surface and charger?
Nope not just you, I also have trouble with the charger and it gets frustrating sometimes... like a drunk man trying to line up a key in the lock! LOL
It would be easier if the device would not scratch by inserting the power plug, but it does, so you try to be careful.
That is the downside of the device, and the same thing for the Surface 1 and Pro 1, and even the Surface 2. The connector needs some work.

It's not problematic on the Mac Book Pro, because you get to use the table as reference, and that the device is not painted, it's aluminum colors, so scratches don't show at all even under strong light.
Put the Surface Pro 2 flat in tablet mode (be sure to flip the keyboard on the back to not scratch it, and plug the power connector holding by the wire. You'll see that it's much easier. And would be even easier, if you didn't have to worry about scratches.

In addition, the metal connector edges, as rounded, here they are 90 degree edges and sharp, which will scratch anything.
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The way I do it to avoid scratches and frustration is to start lining up one end of the connector with the edge of the slot, lower that end in flush with the edge, and then the rest just snaps in. I hold the connector solidly rather than by the cord to give me full control over where the connector is going.
The way I do it to avoid scratches and frustration is to start lining up one end of the connector with the edge of the slot, lower that end in flush with the edge, and then the rest just snaps in. I hold the connector solidly rather than by the cord to give me full control over where the connector is going.

Haven't noticed problems with scratches from the power connector, but attaching it is awkward. I believe it's "fiddly" partly because of the beveled perimeter of the case. It's hard to get the connector aligned at a non-intuitive angle, especially since the connector's target area isn't easily visible from the from of the unit. Furthermore, the placement near the bottom right edge (looking from the front) adds to the problem--when using the stand, either way the power cord is mounted it gets in the way or sticks out ungracefully.

Of course, not a show-stopper sort of issue. I do agree lining up the connector at the right angle so that it snaps in all at once is best. If this was the among the biggest problems with the SP2, wouldn't that be great news...
The sides of the hole of the Surface charging port should be sloped instead of being right angled (and also the sides of the charger socket should match the slope). In that case the charger would attach immediately without any fiddling. But I suppose that would require additional machining of the case instead of just drilling, increasing costs. It's too late now, and I suppose they will maintain compatibility with future models too :)
It definitely is a pain in the ass to plug in. If they could make it more magnetic so that it would suck it on like the keyboard, it would be great. What do you want to bet that gets a re-design somewhere in future Surfaces.
For sure they'll redesign it in the 3rd gen.
The focus of the Pro 2 was just to re-work in the internal to make it the most power efficient (much lower power, and still provide higher performance than the Pro 1).
Now that they have that set, they can just swamp the CPU (also chipset, all depending on Intel) to Intel's new offering, and really focus on making the Surface Pro better.
It is a PITA for sure, and not just yours! What I do is hold it by the cord, about 4-5 inches from the magnetic connector, dangle it toward the connector on the surface, swiveling it as needed for alignment purposes, and the magnet will bring it home correctly. It's just easier for me to do it that way since I have the surface in a case whose edges add to the problem. It does need redesigned in my opinion too.
It is a PITA for sure, and not just yours! What I do is hold it by the cord, about 4-5 inches from the magnetic connector, dangle it toward the connector on the surface, swiveling it as needed for alignment purposes, and the magnet will bring it home correctly. It's just easier for me to do it that way since I have the surface in a case whose edges add to the problem. It does need redesigned in my opinion too.

Agreed. Needs a redesign.

But I noticed one thing I was doing that made the problem worse. The little clippy rubbery plastic thing tends to walk towards the magnetic end, and makes it more difficult to align correctly. Slide that wire clip away.
Agreed. Needs a redesign.

But I noticed one thing I was doing that made the problem worse. The little clippy rubbery plastic thing tends to walk towards the magnetic end, and makes it more difficult to align correctly. Slide that wire clip away.

You're very right...I forgot to mention that. It does try to get down there and interfere, doesn't it? Good point!