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Leap Motion Controllers Now Shipping!


Well-Known Member
Leap Motion controllers now shipping

Don't know how these will work with an extended monitor connected to the SP but it would be cool if it makes that non-touch monitor "touch". I will be buying one of these to go with my desktop immediately. Curious if it will work with multi-monitors.

** Update - Did some reading that people are saying yes, it will work multimonitor but we'll see.
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I had two on pre-order but got tired on their shipping date push backs so I cancelled. I hope the product works well, but they've had their problems in the programming department I believe.
The pushed back the shipping date at least 3 times as I remember. First it was last fall, then spring, then not till July.
The hardware was ok they said but making it work as a mouse replacement seemed to be problematic.
I hope they got all the wrinkles worked out.

It has great potential.
Its an interesting concept, but I just don't see myself sitting in front of a computer and gesturing in the air. It would be great for a 10 foot interface, say sitting on the couch controlling an HTPC, but not at a desk. It will be interesting to see if it takes off and how.
Its an interesting concept, but I just don't see myself sitting in front of a computer and gesturing in the air. It would be great for a 10 foot interface, say sitting on the couch controlling an HTPC, but not at a desk. It will be interesting to see if it takes off and how.

Early focus-testing indicate Leap Motion will be most popular with Italians :)
I'll be picking one up on launch day to mess with.

You know how I like no wires! This is going to go against my philosophy, but i'll figure something out.

Maybe I'll affix it to the back with some double sided tape.:big smile:
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Actually, after seeing reviews and comments from Engadget, i'm going to pass on it until they get it working better.
Got mine on Friday but today was the first day you could go to the site to actually set it up, (Official release date 7/22)

Don't have Surface but it works well on my desktop. Hope the dev community get's their act together. But I admit to looking slightly silly using it.
Just got off the phone with Leap Motion Support because mine doesn't work. They have had a few calls and they said that they are working on it....... I was hoping to turn my second monitor into a touch less touch screen. MEH
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So not being happy with the answer i was given i just start downloading all the apps i thought were cool and i some of them work....

Just got off the phone with Leap Motion Support because mine doesn't work. They have had a few calls and they said that they are working on it....... I was hoping to turn my second monitor into a touch less touch screen. MEH