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keyboard flickering


New Member
I've registered onto a gaming clan forum, well two and they are both running on vbulletin software. For some reason when I click onto the fast reply the keyboard comes up after pressing the text box and the text line ready for me to type isn't there or the keyboard flickers meaning I have to double tab the screen to stop it flickering but then I go to tap the reply box again and it does the same thing. Rather annoying. Doesn't seem to do it with the other forums I go on though, nor this one which is also a vbulletin software forum.

What could be the problem, and how to fix it? I'm not long had my surface RT
I've had this before, can't remember what forum it was on though. Press enter, as in to actually post the reply and it'll fail saying a message like 'Please enter text' but when you okay that, it will allow you to type in the reply box :) I have no idea why, but it works for me!
LEDs will fail just like any other electronic component. It could be a bad connection, failing circuit in the keyboard or an LED itself.