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Issues with PDF Annotating

but I have not had a chance to try it out since then.

I am in the process of annotating a PDF now, and though the lag has not been present, I am getting pretty bad "jigglies". In other words, I cannot draw a straight line; all of my inking is jagged, like the digitizer is getting confused. It is happening in OneNote too. In fact, this might deserve it's own thread if there is not one already. If I hold a straight edge on the screen on a diagonal, a slow trace along the edge results in pretty extreme jaggies. Horizontal and vertical seems okay. I'd post a screenshot, but I don't know how to do that easily from OneNote.
I bought Drawboard PDF, and I consistently get lag on my i7, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I also get some wonky save behavior when working on a document directly from our domain network. While it works great most of the time, I still get serious hangups and lag from time to time, and also an occasional force-close. I just uninstalled and reinstalled the apps yesterday to see if that helps, but I have not had a chance to try it out since then.
The developer found a bug in the radial menu that is causing the lag, it has been patched and submitted to the Store, yours should be updated in the next couple of days....
The developer found a bug in the radial menu that is causing the lag, it has been patched and submitted to the Store, yours should be updated in the next couple of days....
Good to know, thanks. I suspected the lag might be from the app itself and not the OS or hardware. I'll be eagerly awaiting the update as I have an out of town meeting next week that will tax Drawboard pretty heavily.
I too looked long and hard in how to get PDF into OneNote without printing it. When you print a PDF to OneNote (as a default) I think it opens in a picture format. In some ways this is ok for small pdf's but when it comes to a large PDF, some simple and useful features are removed such as text searching and default bookmarks need to be recreated manually. I started using Drawboard and it works exactly like I expected to. Here is what I use it for:

1. Making notes in a 500+ page PDF
2. Using the existing bookmarks to navigate to specific locations
3. Printing the native pdf file with notes integrated in the PDF

In the end, using Drawboard allowed me to make notes and highlight easier that with Adobe and still allowed me to keep the original file format of PDF. Unfortunately, printing a large PDF to OneNote and then editing it in there did not make good use of what I was trying to accomplish. Other than that limitation I use OneNote for EVERYTHING else. It truly is the best for notes.
