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Is there a problem with the recent windows updates?

I'm on 8.1
Only 82 updates after a Full Reset? I thought it would be more.
Anyway find and do the Firmware updates first.
Sometimes these can take a while and may seem to be hung, it's usually best to wait although there are exceptions.
Next a technique I have used which *seems* to work better at times is to let Windows Update download the updates on its own, don't force the issue by clicking Install in Windows Update control panel.
When you notice the Power Icon change to indicate updates will be installed choose Update and Restart. This may result in multiple reboots and installing updates text screens.
In theory the process should be the same or almost the same but it seems with a large number of updates this method does a better job ordering the updates and dividing across multiple reboots.
68 were successful

Is there any way to redo the failed ones?

I checked for updates again today and it just keeps running and running, so I restarted my surface to get it to stop.
Thanks guys, I finally got them all installed. Started with the firmware update and then proceeded with the rest. Greg was correct, it needed a lot of patience, took more than 3hrs. Moral of the story is, don't stop an update halfway.
68 were successful

Is there any way to redo the failed ones?

I checked for updates again today and it just keeps running and running, so I restarted my surface to get it to stop.
You just have to keep trying BUT I have seen it just sit there searching for updates sometimes and usually if a reboot doesn't cure it the best thing is to wait a day. I have used the Update Troubleshooter to *fix* Windows Update however Id recommend waiting first. sometimes WU has to do an inordinate amount of housekeeping and other times it seems to have trouble communicating with Momma. At times you can drive yourself nuts trying to get WU to do something, go through all sorts of gyrations which don't seem to work then with no explanation it starts to work without any problems. That's why I say patience is usually better than trying to force it to work. Its just like that lazy no good deadbeat relative, the harder you push the less it does but if you leave it alone it will eventually get off dead center and do its job. sometimes chicken bones and voodoo stuff works. :)
Of course there was a problem. It killed my app. I had to endure a hundred angry emails from users and 2 days without sleep to fix it.
Same here. My Surface was completely unusable after the last update. Now back to Windows 8.1 with working Pen button to do instant notes at Desktop OneNote. I'm just wondering where the Advantage of Windows 10 is hidden - I have no clue. So goodbye maybe will join later..at least have enjoyed some nice Desktop Pictures ;-)
This is not the Windows 10 thread. I believe the OP is referring to 8.1 updates. I haven't had any problems with the new W10 Preview build.
Thanks Grey Fox.

I did more updates last night. I'll just ignore the failed updates, like I did on my Vista laptop.

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