Nobody is asking you to drink the kool aid. If you don't believe it get your hands on one and test it out. Clearly you are skeptical and that is the only way you are going to be convinced. You will find some issues sure and many are addressed and noted here. But whole sale the "offcial tech" reviews are just wrong. Yes I am in fact saying that the negative reviews were actually written about a great device.
Some other points:
The sales numbers and facts and figures in the one post you quoted don't match up to the reality that MS has never specifically said how many units it has sold. If this was a marketing effort their numbers would have been more accurate than average joe numbers thrown out. For example marketing people always say you can get the device for just $499 not you can get it for just $500 and MS Office 2013 is worth at least $100 doesn't sound like market speak.
Application launch speed has been addressed with the first update. Also what is "slow"? If it takes 10 seconds to launch an app instead of 5 seconds that is a matter of opinion as to what is not acceptable. Sometimes unique features can override particular quirks. Most early reviews were done on units issued prior to launch of the device and the updates.
Non-uniform controls between apps. Largely they are the same and even with the differences they are still within the frame work of Windows Modern UI. Every mobile OS maker has the same issue with non-uniform controls, even Apple.
General lack of apps is a work in progress. The Windows app store is the fastest growing apps store to date and has thousands of apps. It has also been said that it is about quality over quantity. Are you really going to need 750k apps that the other guys are offering? If there isn't a particular app you want contact the developer and express interest so they can get to work on it. Most early reviews were done on units issued prior to launch of the device and the apps store.
If negative reviews and these particular items are important to you and you don't feel the Surface handles them adequately then don't get a Surface because clearly it isn't what you are looking for. The least you can do is go by your own analysis though and forget what the main stream media is telling you if it doesn't match up to what you are seeing in reality. Make it a personal decision not a media decision. That is all everybody here is saying and doing. What is becoming reality is that the actual users are saying the mainstream reviews got it wrong. Covering your eyes and ears to that isn't going to change it.
JP, After reading your thought evoking reply, not only am I thoroughly convinced that Microsoft marketing has infiltrated the Best Buy reviews, but that in fact, many on this forum are Microsoft employees and/or shareholders!
If you've followed me on my introductory thread, you will know that I'm fairly certain I'll will be finding a Surface under the tree on Tuesday. As a precursor to ownership, I came to this forum to hear what users have to say good and bad. I'm quickly finding that if anyone has the audacity to question the Surface's performance and short comings, they are chastised and made to feel bad and unwelcome.
I'm used to lightning fast application launches on my android phone. Apps launch in less than 2 seconds, it's something I have taken for granted and expect in my future purchases. I was lamenting waiting 5 or 6 seconds but now you're telling me some apps take 10 seconds to load?
I don't care about a 750k app pool, but I do expect to see all the basic popular apps available. The apps I use daily on my droid. Seems counter intuitive and the way technology changes, 6 months down the road, when these apps are developed for RT, we could see ver 2 by that time.
I'm a big skier and 20 years ago, the snowboarding craze took center stage and we skiers were made to feel like the uncool PC guy in the Apple commercials. Now that ski technology has changed, skiing has become the new wave and we are the free thinking rebels. That's the way I want to feel with The Surface. I've always been a PC guy and watching all the coolios on their iPhones and iPads, I want to come out as the cool adopter of the Microsoft Surface.
I sincerely apologize to you and any other Surface faithfuls if I've offended anyone with my bold assertions and presumptions. I will have to wait and see how I like it. I really do want to love it. For now, I'll remain quietly in the background and keep my thoughts and observations to myself.
Currently down, but not out,