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Hi! I'm Eric new sp3 owner

Welcome Eric, looks like you started a medical thread.
I am an attending at a teaching hospital. In addition to using my Surface to access EMR (and all our hospital programs via Remote Desktop) I can access radiology PACs system (CT and MRI for all you non-medical folks) so in addition to using it clinically, teaching residents and students, I can show patients and family findings right there at the bedside.

I also use OneNote as a white board for teaching. I have pages with diagrams and MRIs which I can mark-up with the pen to demonstrate things. And of course I use OneNote for taking notes at lectures and PowerPoint for giving lectures.

Our head of IT got me into the Surface and Windows8. He got RTs for all our admitting clerks. They go to bedside to get patients to sign consent for admission and treatment with their finger onscreen and the signature goes right into our EMR. He probably got the first gen RTs cheap, but he just got 10 SP3s for the dietary dept. (of all things!) just to see how they might use such a device. Sweet.

That's an awesome testimony of how you use your SP3, and also kudos to a forward-thinking and open minded IT head.