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Solved Help: My type cover keyboard isn't working.


Can somebody please help me? I'm having trouble getting me Type cover keyboard to work.

For some reason, when I press Fn+F1 or Fn+F2, I can turn on/off the keyboard lights just fine. But I can't do anything else at all with the keyboard, not even Fn+any other key.

My keyboard would sometimes not work, but only when I boot up the computer with the keyboard already plugged in, and I can usually fix the problem by unplugging and replugging the type cover. But now, I tried plugging and unplugging the keyboard again and again, but it still doesn't work.

If anybody's familiar with this problem, can you please help me? The type cover is the Surface Pro 3 version, and I use it on my SP3
Thanks for response. So how do I remove the device? In my device manager, I see Keyboards - HID Keyboard Device. Foe some reason, there are two HID Keyboard Device. Should I right-click one or both, uninstall, then plug my type cover back in?
Hmm, someone more knowledgeable may know why there's two on my SP3 running win 10 there's HID keyboard and Surface type cover filter device but I'm running a SP4 typecover now.

If it were me I'd be tempted to try updating both drivers first, then if that didn't work I'd remove both then reattach the keyboard and reinstall.
Hmm, someone more knowledgeable may know why there's two on my SP3 running win 10 there's HID keyboard and Surface type cover filter device but I'm running a SP4 typecover now.

If it were me I'd be tempted to try updating both drivers first, then if that didn't work I'd remove both then reattach the keyboard and reinstall.
What exactly is HID Keyboard? Do you know?

I tried updating both HID keyboards on the device manager, but they're both up to date.
HID = Human Interface Device

Try removing them now then plug the keyboard back in, perhaps a reinstall might work.

If no luck try looking at the docking connections between the keyboard and the Surface, as it's magnetic it may have attracted some foreign objects.
Moon's instincts are correct.

This is similar to what you should see. (screenshot from S3)
hid keyboard.PNG

The Hid Keyboard Device is the Windows Button on the bezel. there should only be one.
Sometimes I have seen duplicate devices shown in Device Manager - usually best to remove/uninstall them and then Scan for Hardware changes or Reboot.

It might be not fully detecting the Type Cover possibly because it had a problem but it should show up as a Surface ...
If you detach the type cover does one of the Hid Keyboard devices go away? or reattach does it add something?
Moon's instincts are correct.

This is similar to what you should see. (screenshot from S3)
View attachment 7353

The Hid Keyboard Device is the Windows Button on the bezel. there should only be one.
Sometimes I have seen duplicate devices shown in Device Manager - usually best to remove/uninstall them and then Scan for Hardware changes or Reboot.

It might be not fully detecting the Type Cover possibly because it had a problem but it should show up as a Surface ...
If you detach the type cover does one of the Hid Keyboard devices go away? or reattach does it add something?
Ah the screen button I forgot about that one - makes sense!
I fixed the problem! I read in an article that I needed to do a soft reset by holding the power and volume buttons until my Surface Pro 3 shuts off, and when I turn it back on, all of the drivers reset.

I don't know what was the cause of the problem, but it's working now, and it's appearing on my device manager too.

Thanks for your attention and replies, you guys.
Hi . I have experiencing some trouble to setup my surface cover keyboard. It is a new device and has never worked. It appears in device manager as HID Keyboard but not Surface Cover . Tried to uninstall drivers and reinstall but still unsucessful. Tried to "reset" drivers by holding Volume up + Power button for 10 seconds but it has just took me to bios menu. Does anyone knows if there is a different way to reset drivers or to change HID Keyboard driver to Surface proper driver? Thanks.