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Has anybody formatted SSD and clean installed Win 8.1?

just for others can someone do a grab of the partitions on a sp3. don't think it maters which one.
for example my alienware I have all these
View attachment 3375
and for the ones who have erased and started again what it looks like after.

Your Alien thingie has extra recovery partitions because the Dell/Aliens backup stores the backup in that last partition and will resized it as needed.
Cheers GreyFox7 for reply. Now im curious what the guys have done when they reformated drives.
My reasoning is I read somewhere that to get instant turn on (my alienware is 1 - 1.5 seconds for example) from a shutdown state you need a partition that dumps cpu core/drivers etc in.
I am guessing its the EFI partition?
So do you get option when you manually install to create this or is it automatic or am I dreaming the whole thing. Just trying to stop people making the sp3 slower.
Cheers GreyFox7 for reply. Now im curious what the guys have done when they reformated drives.
My reasoning is I read somewhere that to get instant turn on (my alienware is 1 - 1.5 seconds for example) from a shutdown state you need a partition that dumps cpu core/drivers etc in.
I am guessing its the EFI partition?
So do you get option when you manually install to create this or is it automatic or am I dreaming the whole thing. Just trying to stop people making the sp3 slower.

I'm pretty sure all necessary partitions are created automatically by the win 8.1 installer. I've never done it on an SP3, but I have done clean installs on 2 UEFI laptops, and both did everything automatically.