so way back when Apple left that awful proprietary PPC platform to Intel i jumped right on OSX and besides a rarely used Bootcamp installation of XP then W7 for the occasional development software only on Windows i never looked back.
then comes the Surface and i looked at it in the store but i already had my Android tablets that i updated regularly and although i used OSX i kept on my mobile stuff Android and left iPhones after the 3Gs so no need for another.
then comes Surface 2 and it seemed better but not by much and again i considered it a tablet so PASS
then BAM Surface Pro 3 (i choose i5 256GB) and i looked then i saw the commercials and then i looked again and then i looked at my Samsung Tab Pro tablet and my Macbook Pro laptop and also my Android Note 3 phone and really what a mess of OS's and devices once i thought about it.
so really liking the OSX world i had moved to with a mix of Linux i can assure you everyone that knows me would have taken odds on NO WAY is he gonna switch back to Windows. in fact i was responsible for creating so many Mac users in the last decade and mainly because the people that bothered once a year to fix their in
anyway it said what a great choice i made and now have one device and rounded off my conversion back a few days ago with a windows phone. how can you compare when all your devices like your tablet, laptop, desktop, and phone are all as one?
then comes the Surface and i looked at it in the store but i already had my Android tablets that i updated regularly and although i used OSX i kept on my mobile stuff Android and left iPhones after the 3Gs so no need for another.
then comes Surface 2 and it seemed better but not by much and again i considered it a tablet so PASS
then BAM Surface Pro 3 (i choose i5 256GB) and i looked then i saw the commercials and then i looked again and then i looked at my Samsung Tab Pro tablet and my Macbook Pro laptop and also my Android Note 3 phone and really what a mess of OS's and devices once i thought about it.
so really liking the OSX world i had moved to with a mix of Linux i can assure you everyone that knows me would have taken odds on NO WAY is he gonna switch back to Windows. in fact i was responsible for creating so many Mac users in the last decade and mainly because the people that bothered once a year to fix their in
anyway it said what a great choice i made and now have one device and rounded off my conversion back a few days ago with a windows phone. how can you compare when all your devices like your tablet, laptop, desktop, and phone are all as one?