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Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
I'm loving the typecover for being a perfect add-on for using the rt as a productive mobile unit.
That's not to say MS wouldn't have sold a hell of a lot more Surfaces had they included the cover in the price, but that's not a ripoff, just bad marketing.
When deciding whether something is a ripoff you need a basis of comparison. What else is there which offers the exact same form and functionality as the type cover for less? Right, there is nothing to compare it to.
Um, nope that price doesn't even get you a keyboard, not to mention a less powerful device though it does have data and GPS but the data will cost you monthly. $929.99
Oh and you wanted a cover? $50
And a keyboard? $99
I don't think people who were looking at Surface tablets were put off by the lack of a keyboard. Most tablets don't come with one unless you pay extra often in the $100 range for a nice keyboard. Now if you want to blame the lack of a Start button, well...![]()
Lol, I just have to ask. What could Microsoft have changed about the Surface Pro to make it sell better or do you actually believe it is a perfect device?