It seems like all of my display driver issues have been fixed with the updates. Went from crashing several times in an hour to nothing. I have not had one display driver crash in the past 5 days with heavy use. I was worried because I spent so much on it but now I am soooo happy. I could not be happier. This is truly an amazing device (I5, 8gb 250). Thank you so much for fixing Microsoft! I hope that all those that returned the device will give it another try. I almost returned mine too but decided to wait it out and I am so happy I did. This is exactly what I wanted the SP4 to be. Also, thank you all for the replies to this post.
Haha. Give it a little time mate. It will do it again. Mine worked great for about a week after the last update, then I started to have the DD crashes again. In fact, I just had one on this page. Lol. Sigh.