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Configure Disconnected Standby For All Users?


How can we centrally configure all Surface Books power management to automatically use disconnected standby mode for any user that logs in so we don't need to tell users to check or uncheck settings boxes manually?

Is there a group policy or registry setting or command we can run during Windows installation to set this default?
You could probably do via a script that uses powercfg using the /SETACVALUEINDEX and /SETDCVALUEINDEX
I can't get it to work.
I even tried copying and pasting the exact commands from this page and it failed saying the syntax was wrong.
Not sure if they have a typo in their suggested command. Nobody posted any comments on their blog saying it worked for them or not.

TechNet Blogs

powercfg /set dcvalueindex scheme_current sub_none F15576E8-98B7-4186-B944-EAFA664402D9 0

powercfg /set acvalueindex scheme_current sub_none F15576E8-98B7-4186-B944-EAFA664402D9 0
IIRC there shouldn't be a space between set dc... or set ac... so it should be setdc or setac