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can't wait to buy surface pro 4


Active Member
I already got the sp3 (i5/8g/256g), but it is mainly being used my wife to replace the old laptop.

I would like to buy another one.

Just out of curiosity, checked the surface pro product timeline:

  • Surface Pro I: revealed November 2012, on sale January 2013
  • Surface Pro II: revealed in September 2013, on sale October 2013
  • Surface Pro III: revealed May 2014, on sale June 2014*

sp2 came 10 months after sp1, sp3 came 8 months after sp2.

so, will sp4 come 6-7 months after sp3 due to smart devices iterate fater and faster?

which means sp4 may come at around December 2014 or January 2015, on sale February 2015, considering the fact that Broadwell -Core M is released and shipped to major vendors (check out heaps of new Core M based products released in the recent a few days at IFA).
I would say April/May 2015 when Windows 9 comes out my bet.

It will offer better graphics performance, slightly increased CPU performance and probably substantially more battery life.

I got the i7 with a view to keeping it for the SP6 when it arrives...

Never a perfect time to buy.
I would say April/May 2015 when Windows 9 comes out my bet.

It will offer better graphics performance, slightly increased CPU performance and probably substantially more battery life.

I got the i7 with a view to keeping it for the SP6 when it arrives...

Never a perfect time to buy.

totally agree with the "never a perfect time to buy", always something new and tempting.

for me sp3 is already very good, and for upgrade, maybe sp6, but for another one, sp4 is enough
Plus a new round of problems and issues. You should wait 6 months after and buy a new one off the line but who could stand that? Not me.
I think the problem is that the SP3 is so much better than the SP2 which was very good in itself. I use mine every day in my work, it gets used heaps. I'd rather buy now and if I get tempted by the next one, if it is a sufficient improvement, just sell it and buy the new one. I could just keep my SP2 and use that but I won't. I bought the SP2 second hand for a good price anyway.
I would say April/May 2015 when Windows 9 comes out my bet.

It will offer better graphics performance, slightly increased CPU performance and probably substantially more battery life.

I got the i7 with a view to keeping it for the SP6 when it arrives...

Never a perfect time to buy.

We don't even know if the CPU will be faster. Intel is saying "similar performance". Possibly a downgrade - possibly not. Expectations are a mother______.
So far only the 3 low end Core-M processors have been presented. I think that a SP4 would get a faster Broadwell. There's no need to use a 4.5 W TDP processor in a SP4. I think that at least 8 W TDP should be possible for a fanless design. I don't think that these Broadwells will be available this year.

I hope that by this time Intel or someone else will finally have a combined WLAN-, BT 4.0-, 4G- and NFC-chip ready. NFC is becoming more important for PKI card authentification for enterprise users.

I guess we will see a SP4 in May or June 2015.
I've never understood the whole waiting game. Get what you want now and enjoy it. By the time the SP4 comes out you might as well wait for the SP5. When it comes out just wait on the better specs in the SP6.. At this rate you will never have one because you are always waiting for the next version.

New phones, tablets and computers come out often. Playing the waiting for the next version game can be a never ending proposal. Get what you want, enjoy it and upgrade when you see fit.
I remember a friend of mine, probably in Windows 95 days waited probably two years to buy a PC at the 'right time'. We can laugh now I guess.

The tech is expensive though so some crystal ball gazing done intelligently doesn't hurt.

I met one person recently who bought a Surface Pro original in October last year not realising the timing so he paid $1300 or so and now not a year later it is worth maybe $500 if he's lucky. Surface Pro 2 owners will find they will be lucky to get half what they paid new.

So far buyers of a Surface have suffered savage depreciation so it is entirely understandable that buyers are wary.
I've never understood the whole waiting game. Get what you want now and enjoy it. By the time the SP4 comes out you might as well wait for the SP5. When it comes out just wait on the better specs in the SP6.. At this rate you will never have one because you are always waiting for the next version.

New phones, tablets and computers come out often. Playing the waiting for the next version game can be a never ending proposal. Get what you want, enjoy it and upgrade when you see fit.

I agree fully. I guess its good that with cell phones I'm kind of forced to wait until my contract is up to get a great deal & that's good for me. Otherwise I'd probably be buying a new phone every 9 months or a year.

In regards to the Ops title, I'd suspect that half us here enjoying or SP3s would say the same thing. I guess what I'm saying is why wait?
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I remember a friend of mine, probably in Windows 95 days waited probably two years to buy a PC at the 'right time'. We can laugh now I guess.
The tech is expensive though so some crystal ball gazing done intelligently doesn't hurt.
I met one person recently who bought a Surface Pro original in October last year not realising the timing so he paid $1300 or so and now not a year later it is worth maybe $500 if he's lucky. Surface Pro 2 owners will find they will be lucky to get half what they paid new.
So far buyers of a Surface have suffered savage depreciation so it is entirely understandable that buyers are wary.
Of course a little tech savvy'ness is beneficial. Buying any electronics at full price after the new version is announced is generally not a good idea.

In the case of the SP3 however buying one now makes complete sense as the SP4 is not even rumored at this point.
Of course a little tech savvy'ness is beneficial. Buying any electronics at full price after the new version is announced is generally not a good idea.

In the case of the SP3 however buying one now makes complete sense as the SP4 is not even rumored at this point.