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Can't resize Chrome window


I was playing around with my displays today and made my SP2 secondary and my monitor my primary display. I noticed when I did this I could not resize Chrome from the bottom or right side of the window on my monitor. The resize icon appeared but it would go away when I dragged away. I noticed the top and left side did work which I thought was odd. So I tried dragging Chrome to the secondary display (my surface) and noticed I did not have this problem. I decided I didn't like this setup anyways so I just duplicated my surface screen so both displays were primary. Well now I can't resize from the bottom or right on either one. Additionally, the area at the top of the window where you can drag it has been reduced to a smaller area.

I uninstalled Chrome, rebooted and reinstalled but that did nothing. Any ideas?

I should note this only affects Chrome and Chrome apps like Google Keep, I can resize all other desktop windows.

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Guess I'm just going to have to do a clean install tomorrow :( If anyone has even a hint as to this would happen please post.
Does it happen with other programs? Or only Chrome?
Do you have that exact same version of Chrome on another system, and does it scale fine there?

Your windows borders look unusually thin to me, I don't know if it's Chrome with its god awful, outdated GUI engine selected, which overlays on top of the borders, or you made Windows borders thinners.

Go in the registry (Start > type: regedit > Enter), and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics, and look at PaddedBorderWidth . Make sure it is at value -60. If it's not set it to that.
Once modified, restart your system.

P.S: For maximum battery life out of your Surface Pro, use Firefox or IE.
Thanks for replying GoodBytes! My registry is just like you say it should be. I shrunk the screenshot down to fit here, that is why the borders look so small. I did a soft recovery (the one that keeps your files) and it seems to have fixed it. Unfortunately it's going to take me all day to reinstall software. Still not sure what caused this but hopefully it doesn't happen to anyone else.

I am a web developer so I can't just not use Chrome, and resizing the window from the right is how I prefer to test responsiveness so this was a particularly painful problem. Fortunately I have a dock so I'm not worried about battery life.
Actually I just thought I fixed it. It turns out I can only resize by grabbing the center of the border. So the lower-right corner diagonal arrow doesn't work. Weird. I just installed Canary and use it instead of Chrome now and it works.
I had the same problem, but worse... I could not resize the window by grabbing any part of the frame.

I uninstalled/reinstalled Chrome and it did not change anything.

I tried uninstalling the Theme I was using, and I was able to resize Chrome windows again. Lucky guess.