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Canadian Surface Book Launch a Disaster


Active Member
It appears that MS forgot about all of its customers in Canada. After promising delivery of Surface Books on October 26, through MS online and its partner BestBuy, it seems no customer in Canada has actually received a Surface Book. The status of my order, with BestBuy Canada, is now "Out of Stock". BestBuy customer service blames it on MS. MS blames it on BestBuy. Neither company appears to actually have a clue what is going on. As far as product launches go, this is about as bad as it gets ... as in, there is no product ... at all.
Welcome, @Niterider4

Sorry about what might be a screw up by someone. We won't forget about you around this forum, rest assured.

Edit : Others reporting deliveries north of the 49th Parallel.
Every time I google "Surface Book Shipping Canada" to see if anyone knows what is going on with shipments to Canada, I see all these news headlines saying "The New Surface Book is NOW AVAILABLE IN CANADA!". Well, not exactly ...
Well consider the bright spot is that you're spared the screen flickering/sound popping/misc. instability issues with the product and by the time it gets to Canada perhaps a firmware update will arrive.
Sorry to say this but... I got my Surface Book at 9:15 am on the 26th in Mississauga. Ordered through Microsoft online store.
Sorry to say this but... I got my Surface Book at 9:15 am on the 26th in Mississauga. Ordered through Microsoft online store.
Same here. Got mine before 9 am on 26th, even though tracking was showing at ware house.
However I had all the horrible issues and I am getting a replacement.
Got one in the launch day at around noon time (Calgary, Alberta). Maybe we Albertans are not part of Canada ... ;) With baby Trudeau in Ottawa it doesn't sound as bad idea - Free Republic of Alberta ... :oops:
It looks like it was only BestBuy Canada orders that were affected. Stupid me for ordering through BestBuy, but I thought it would be easier to return the product to my local BestBuy, if I had any problems, rather than have to ship it back to MS. The BB customer service rep I spoke to just now said that the SB's were going to ship "this week". However, since there is about 1.5 hours left in "this week", I am highly skeptical. I don't think I will be pre-ordering anything through BestBuy anytime soon.