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Best Travel Bag/Case?

I am looking for not really a bag but more like a folder that will hold my SP3 ( along with its keyboard) and also have room for a small A5 or similar notepad , biz cards, and a few A4 size brochures that I need to carry with me to customer visits. It would need to zip closed to hold everything in place etc.
I don't really want bag handles, I just want to carry it.

Any links to something like above would be much appreciated.

Tks Frosty
I actually got this for Christmas: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DUGZFA6/ref=twister_B00FB50SBU?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yes the 11 inch bag is enough. It's got 3 zip compartments with pen holders in one of them. It also has little pockets inside these compartments. Will this protect the device from a drop? I'm not quite sure; I've never tested. I've got several flash drives, an external hard drive, USB wireless mouse, the SPro3 charger and cable (unplug it from the brick; it's the only way it'll fit in the front compartment), and some repair disks for other computers fit into this bag.


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