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Battery sucking apps?


New Member
I'm wanting to use the pro 2 for web development, visual studio, etc

Question though is on my windows 8 machine I keep all my projects in dropbox, and I run sql server

If I install those on the pro 2, will I get 2 hrs battery or what? I'm just not totally SOLD on skydrive just yet (2 gig limit, limited revision history)

Anyone have any experiences?
I have Visual Studio installed. I haven't done any battery test with it because I'm at my desk (with A/C) when I use it. I did uninstall dropbox and switched to skydrive and noticed a little better battery life without the dropbox sync process running in the background.
You do realise you get 200Gb Skydrive for two years for free if you buy a SP2? Just saying ;) Also Skydrive is baked into the OS now and having used all of the various cloud storage variants, Skydrive worked the best for me. It just had the most seamless experience and the best value for money storage. Before I got the free 200GB, I had paid £32 a year for 100GB plus I had 27GB from being a long time user and another 25 GB from purchasing Office 2013!
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Running both

I'm wanting to use the pro 2 for web development, visual studio, etc

Question though is on my windows 8 machine I keep all my projects in dropbox, and I run sql server

If I install those on the pro 2, will I get 2 hrs battery or what? I'm just not totally SOLD on skydrive just yet (2 gig limit, limited revision history)

Anyone have any experiences?

I have DB running because as an early and often referrer I have 116GB free. I have Skydrive since they gave it to me. Both run fine, and I get good battery duration- 7-8 Hours while working, less if playing.
You do realise you get 200Gb Skydrive for two years for free if you buy a SP2? Just saying ;) Also Skydrive is baked into the OS now and having used all of the various cloud storage variants, Skydrive worked the best for me. It just had the most seamless experience and the best value for money storage. Before I got the free 200GB, I had paid £32 a year for 100GB plus I had 27GB from being a long time user and another 25 GB from purchasing Office 2013!

How did you pick up the 25 GB from purchasing Office 2013?
I purchased it also but am not aware of a Skydrive offer.
I bought it from the on-line download route with 5 device installs for £80 a year so it is probably a subscription only offer.