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Bad battery life

Well... yes. The only reason that I am balking to turn on the BT radio is because I have noticed that when I do turn it on since there are no BT devices to connect to, it keeps searching. I thought that continually searching for a connection raises the transaction cost of using BT, which has a negative fallout on the power drawn to search, which ultimately impacts battery life. I could be wrong on this though.

I know what you're talking about; at the BT settings window-thing, as soon as you turn it on, those "thinking dots" appear and it starts searching. That's the reason why I turned it off at the beginning, really. But upon closing that settings window, I wonder if it keeps searching...
It only does the search in the Control Panel... it is not promiscuous like older Bluetooth Stacks.

Not sure what that means. Does it mean that when I turn on BT via PC Settings and it starts up and then I close PC Settings, it continues to search or it settles down? "It" here obviously refers to BT. Alternatively, are you suggesting that I should access BT via control panel through the desktop space?
Not sure what that means. Does it mean that when I turn on BT via PC Settings and it starts up and then I close PC Settings, it continues to search or it settles down? "It" here obviously refers to BT. Alternatively, are you suggesting that I should access BT via control panel through the desktop space?

Sorry... I type that under pressure to post quickly as my wife was trying to get me out the door ;)

"it" is indeed the Bluetooth Stack, and when I refer the Control Panel I was meeting the Modern UI Settings (Which is still the Control Panel). The older Bluetooth Stacks (specifically Broadcom's and Toshiba's) if you made your device discoverable it would be in promiscuous mode always searching, in Windows 8.x it only looks for new devices when you open the Settings Control Panel, pared devices acknowledge their presence when in range which is different, doesn't use much power, the acknowledgement is the equivalent of a Wake up bit used on Wake On LANs (WOL).
Sorry... I type that under pressure to post quickly as my wife was trying to get me out the door ;)

"it" is indeed the Bluetooth Stack, and when I refer the Control Panel I was meeting the Modern UI Settings (Which is still the Control Panel). The older Bluetooth Stacks (specifically Broadcom's and Toshiba's) if you made your device discoverable it would be in promiscuous mode always searching, in Windows 8.x it only looks for new devices when you open the Settings Control Panel, pared devices acknowledge their presence when in range which is different, doesn't use much power, the acknowledgement is the equivalent of a Wake up bit used on Wake On LANs (WOL).

Thanks. So, let me see if I understand this correctly. What you are saying is this:

If I enable BT in PC Settings, it will search and keep searching (unless paired by a corresponding BT-enabled device) as long as PC Settings is open. If I shut PC Settings (by drawing it down and waiting till it flips), then it steps searching, but BT remains enabled.

Am I understanding this correctly?
Thanks. So, let me see if I understand this correctly. What you are saying is this:

If I enable BT in PC Settings, it will search and keep searching (unless paired by a corresponding BT-enabled device) as long as PC Settings is open. If I shut PC Settings (by drawing it down and waiting till it flips), then it steps searching, but BT remains enabled.

Am I understanding this correctly?

Yep... that is correct
I didn't play attention up to today that if I turn off BT I have more issues with Standby that with BT on.
I remember I had some trouble with battery drain in standby mode. I usually hade to charge my device everyday, but when I turned Bluetooth ON I only lost 4-5% over an 8-9hour session during the night, so connected standby battery life greatly improved!

Im selling my first gen Surface today, so I will be placing an order for Surface 2 today also!