Ok, so lightbleed in the center of the screen that eventually gets worse.....that's different. No, I have never had that in ANY of my Surface devices. Between my Surface 3 and my Surface Pro 6 I have not had the dots in the middle of the screen that gradually get worse. Sorry you get so many devices that repeatedly get the same issue.
With my Surface 3s it was slightly different. That's where I had white spots during startup. You can see that
here. As it seemed, very few people were having that issue and I was having it with 5 or 6 devices in a row. Anyway, that's a closed book.
These brighter spots are really hard to grab on a photograph. That's why I included the third party pictures and video. Since I am having this issue in three out of three, I am more and more thinking that it must be something I am causing...
I don't think I am doing anything weird with the devices. In the car it is in tablet mode in the middle console. In the office, I just use it as a laptop. I don't even have it connected to a charger constantly. I run it down to 20-30% and then charge it again. At times it gets warmer, but it doesn't get THAT hot that I think that causes issues.
In the office I use it with the Surface Pen, but I don't press the device more than just resting my palm gently.
Only difference compared to a lot of people out there is that I have an LTE version (had the same with my Surface 3s...they were all LTE versions)
The spots appear in different locations in the screen. The one that I saw in the store had all spots close to where the power connector is attached. The previous one had the issue there as well.
Lightbleed in the center is different. Should never pass manufacturing quality control.
I agree, still it did 3 times for me.

Microsoft replaces the tablets, but there are a few downsides... I have to setup a new Surface Pro every x months. Previously there was an option to sync everything and restore, but that is not possible anymore

Last time was even worse: there was no option for advanced exchange, so I had to send in my broken device and wait for a new one to get sent back. That took them quite a while and things went wrong so I had been without my SP for weeks.
And the biggest downside has happened the last time: if something happens to the tablet that causes physical damage that I can live with, Microsoft doesn't replace it under warranty and it costs me € 544,50. I could then of course opt not to have it replaced, but as the spots get worse and worse that will turn into something I cannot live with
So far all devices I had didn't show the issue after first start. So, that's most likely why it passes quality control.