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Anyone use their SP3 and Note as their daily notepad?


Ive had my SP3 for 2.5 months now and want to make more use of it (meaning, start bringing it to work) and incorporate it into my everyday work life. I mean, this thing is just so light and portable to carry around, I want to get the most out of it. I want to start using it as a business tool. I didnt pay the money for a SP3 to only use it 3 hours a day to surf the web (which is what Ive been unexpectedly doing since I got it). Theres a few others at work who have a SP3 as well and they bring theirs in everyday. Every time I see them using theirs, it really makes me miss mine, while its sitting at home on the coffee table all alone. Pretty much everyone in my office brings in their laptops daily.

I currently use a standard $2 coiled notebook that I write in everyday with tasks and cross them off as I go, flip the page everyday and onto the next one. Its okay, I mean Ive been doing it for years, but I just feel that my SP3 and MS note could really make things that much better.

I've brought my SP3 to work once since I got it and that was only to try out note for taking meeting notes. I liked it, a lot! I need to start bringing my SP3 with me to work, not to use as a computer but as a notepad and use the stylus to write in my stuff in note and put the paper notepad aside for the next bit.

I have one helluva computer in my office (core i7 with 1TB SSD and two 32" 1440P monitors), and a 27" imac in the studio (I do video work), so the SP3 will only be used as a notepad. The only thing is that my desk isnt the biggest, desk space is a bit tight and I havent found a good spot for the SP3 yet.
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I use my SP3 everyday as my Business Note Taker.... but I also use it as my every other task as well. I take 10 to 20 inked pages of notes a day using OneNote.
Do you leave the notes in your handwriting or do you change them to text? I'm currently back in school and I'm considering which is easier.
I use my SP3 every day for note taking with OneNote and the SP3 in portrait mode. 99% of the time I leave as ink but occasionally convert to text. This is probably the one thing keeping me from trying Windows 10 on this device. I need it to be 100% reliable because I don't even keep pen and paper handy anymore.
I'm in Sales. I use OneNote every day. I haven't used a coiled notebook since the SPro1. All my notes are easily accessible rather then trying to remember which notebook has the notes I need. I also leave the notes as ink.
I use my SP3 and OneNote for all my work appointment notes in the field . I leave them in ink. I used to carry a paper notebook . The SP3 is much better.
I wouldn’t say I use OneNote every day, but for meetings with clients and internal staff, I do. It so easy to organize them by project and date. And I don’t bother converting them to text either. And with OneNote synced to my phone, I can check my notes anytime, anywhere even if SP3 is not by my side.

I use to make my to-do and shopping lists as well. If I think of something I need to do/buy while I’m working, I just enter it in OneNote. When I go shopping, I just take my phone and check that to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything.
I have Multiple Sclerosis and, as a side effect, my memory is like a sieve. I use my SP3 every day to jot down notes of things I need to remember. My notes are synced across to my iPhone 6 plus for when I am out and about without my SP3. Works wonderfully. Most of the time I keep them as ink.
I use my SP3 each and every day for everything. It is the top spec one so works well.

I have been a user of MS OneNote but moved over to Evernote some years ago when I needed cross platform ability and have about 20,000 Notes.

Among other things I have a Notebook with a Diary and Completed Diary for every year. Each email, phone call or task that comes in gets a new Note. The Note is date coded with the name of the company and person, for example:

140115 - XYZ Water - John Smith

Any customer emails put in the Note are in Green, emails from suppliers are in Purple, my emails and notes are in Red.
Details are added from the bottom up. At the top is a tick box. Once the task is completed the box is ticked and the Note put in the completed diary Notebook.

This allows me to keep track of every conversation, supplier and customer conversation since I started using the system in 1998. Every quotation which is created in Word is automatically saved to it's own Notebook. So this year that Notebook is Word 2015. Again, this means I can easily find anything I need wherever I am. As you may know Evernote allows me to read the full database on Windows, Mac, iPad, Android etc.

I can take notes directly by hand writing them, but I learnt to type about 40 years ago and touch type as quick as I talk. However, if I wish to take notes I find it easier to use the Evernote Moleskin. This allows you to put a sticker on the page, photograph it and it will automatically go to the correct Notebook.

I also use it for all my personal life, with copies of receipts, important documents, in fact anything that will attempt to make my life paperless.

I was one of the few Evernote Evangelists on their forum and one of the first Evernote Business users as I have implemented it into my company. That was before they stopped the Evangelists program. For me it is the greatest tool I have ever used. There have been some problems during the last 12 - 18 months, but they have not caused me too much grief. Having sold expensive quality control software in the 80's that cost £25k for one or two floppy discs, I have used the maxim I told my customers then who wanted the software to do certain things. Look at software, decide what the limitations are and if you can live with them. If not move on.

Best regards

I have phone notes from 2006 and I leave them as ink. OneNote find my searches even with my chicken scratch writing

That is the beauty of the SPro 3 and OneNote - volumes of handwritten notes, all searchable in an instant. You can organize (or not) to your hearts content, clip web pages, insert documents, spreadsheets, emails, you name it. It is always there, always ready for you. I have colleagues that even outline and draft in OneNote. It is impossible to overstate the usefulness of this combination in replacing your moleskins or three ring binders. In fact, I would kill if they could just split the kickstand somehow so you could use the device in portrait as well as landscape when note taking.

Before I got my dock, I left my SPro 3 open on my desk with the kickstand folded all the way back - a near perfect angle for handwriting. I became so addicted that I actually cut a hole in the keyboard drawer of my desk so I could put the dock through the hole and keep the SPro 3 at an angle I could still write - not quite as good, but invaluable nonetheless/