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Anybody got notification that their SP4 i7 shipped?

Just picked it up from UPS. Crossing fingers all is good.


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Price was going up and up. So I picked extra ram vs larger hard drive. Main programs are stored on the hard drive. Whatever else I need, I can move via USB 3.0 and external hard drive.

I turned it on to see if it powered up. No internet at UPS. Took a few minutes before I got to desktop. Back of the surface was warm but not hot. Couldn't hear a fan. I know my SP2 would be about this warm booting up and idling. Oh. Battery as about 50%.
I ordered a SP4 i7, 16 GB Ram, 512 GB HD on 10/8 online from Microsoft Store. When I placed the order it said that it would ship on 11/20. Received shipping notification on 11/19 received next day 11/20.

Still getting used to Windows 10 as I was a Windows 7 users previously. I have found an issue with one ap that the window and text shrinks on after using it once. Enlarging the window does not fix it as the text stays real small. After getting my SP4 I updated my laptop to Windows 10. The ap does not shrink after using on my laptop so it looks like an issue with the SP4.

I got the SP4 to replace my iPad2 and my laptop. We shall see if it can fill the bill. I liked the iPad for the aps and carrying it around the house to easily check email and stuff, but the latest versions of iOS were making the iPad 2 obsolete. My laptop is getting ready to go off warranty and I am on my 3rd hard drive and my second mother board. SP4 looked like a possible solution for both. We shall see....
I ordered a SP4 i7, 16 GB Ram, 512 GB HD on 10/8 online from Microsoft Store. When I placed the order it said that it would ship on 11/20. Received shipping notification on 11/19 received next day 11/20.

Still getting used to Windows 10 as I was a Windows 7 users previously. I have found an issue with one ap that the window and text shrinks on after using it once. Enlarging the window does not fix it as the text stays real small. After getting my SP4 I updated my laptop to Windows 10. The ap does not shrink after using on my laptop so it looks like an issue with the SP4.

I got the SP4 to replace my iPad2 and my laptop. We shall see if it can fill the bill. I liked the iPad for the aps and carrying it around the house to easily check email and stuff, but the latest versions of iOS were making the iPad 2 obsolete. My laptop is getting ready to go off warranty and I am on my 3rd hard drive and my second mother board. SP4 looked like a possible solution for both. We shall see....

Right-click app icon, click on properties, Compatibility tab, check Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.
I received my keyboard w/fingerprint scanner, and a copy of a receipt the Complete care for Surface Nov 19....they charged my bank account for my whole order and are now telling my my SP4 i7 wont ship until Dec 18??? This was all the same order placed on 10/14 with a shipping date of 11/20??!!??
I feel your pain. You are not alone. I ordered my SP4 on Oct 26th, delivery of my keyboard arrived on Nov 20th. The day my Surface was supposed to ship. I chatted with customer service that night, they said 24 - 48 hours before they find anything out. I chat the next morning and got nowhere with the customer service rep. So I decide to call that night, I talk to a gentleman then his manager "Mark" who states he will get back to me on Monday.

Monday rolls around, I get notice from Credit Card that MS is trying to make purchase, I approve, and immediately get a declined email from MS. So I update my payment information immediately thinking I would get through and finally get charged. I wait, and I wait. I get an email saying they had delays in manufacturing, and updating my shipping FREE of charge WOOO. Nothing more for billing. I wait till Tuesday and Call Customer service, they say I will have to wait till December 18th (I said not unacceptable, it was supposed to bill me and ship by Friday, 4 days ago). Get placed on hold several times, his manager said he will try to get something resolved by tomorrow Wednesday (day before Thanksgiving).

They have till Noon CST, I will cancel my order and purchase another iPad, if they can't get their beans straight between shipping, billing, and customer service. I was actually hoping to have my SP4 before NOV 20th expecting exceptional service, but so far it has been nothing but a nightmare. I will contact BBB and make note how terrible the experience has been, never in my life has an online purchase gone so bad as this (I've purchased many thousands worth online). I will drive to a local Apple store and pick a device up and drive home with it paying less than what I was willing to do with MS. I have already talked to many of my friends about the experience so far, and my family will get to hear it all when we sit down (I will discuss how grateful I am (scenario 1, how MS expedited my shipment and got my order to me before Thanksgiving) (scenario 2, how MS failed to make a delivery as promised last week, and how exceptional Apple was to take my money for the iPad pro that I will now use on a daily basis). UPS makes an "express critical" shipping which would be best option for this...but I'm good with driving 25 minutes to Apple and making a purchase in person.

SIDENOTE: About me.. I am a full blown Apple family, we own 1 laptop that runs windows on it for testing purposes for programs that I develop. I don't like to run VM if I can avoid it. I haven't purchased a windows product (except Mac Office) in the past 8 years. I was actually excited to try a new Microsoft product, but this experience has cause such pain I may never purchase from them again.

PS. Microsoft PLEASE get your beans in order. This has been the worst experience I have had, if you can make it better I await. If you can do nothing, great that has been all I have seen you do thus far.

Steve B Order #11382337069
Right-click app icon, click on properties, Compatibility tab, check Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.

Thanks. I tried your suggestion, but no tabs come up. Being new to Windows 10 maybe I do not understand what you are telling me to do. I have tried right clicking on the icon on the desktop, task bar, and in the program list. I do not see any tabs or options to change compatibility, see attached photo. I also tried it with other aps like word, excel, outlook, etc. None of them come up with tabs.


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Well, I haven't gotten a chance to play with my SP4 too much yet. :( My wife's home computer broke and I had to fix it over that past few days.
I can say, that unlike others here, when it was doing my updates, I could hear the fan. NOT LOUD, but it's on. Overall the laptop doesn't get hot like my SP2. But it will get warm on the back. At home when I have no audio playing (as in a quiet house) I can hear the fan kick on for a bit and go off.
I'll try some speedtests over the Thanksgiving holiday.
I feel your pain. You are not alone. I ordered my SP4 on Oct 26th, delivery of my keyboard arrived on Nov 20th. The day my Surface was supposed to ship. I chatted with customer service that night, they said 24 - 48 hours before they find anything out. I chat the next morning and got nowhere with the customer service rep. So I decide to call that night, I talk to a gentleman then his manager "Mark" who states he will get back to me on Monday.

Monday rolls around, I get notice from Credit Card that MS is trying to make purchase, I approve, and immediately get a declined email from MS. So I update my payment information immediately thinking I would get through and finally get charged. I wait, and I wait. I get an email saying they had delays in manufacturing, and updating my shipping FREE of charge WOOO. Nothing more for billing. I wait till Tuesday and Call Customer service, they say I will have to wait till December 18th (I said not unacceptable, it was supposed to bill me and ship by Friday, 4 days ago). Get placed on hold several times, his manager said he will try to get something resolved by tomorrow Wednesday (day before Thanksgiving).

They have till Noon CST, I will cancel my order and purchase another iPad, if they can't get their beans straight between shipping, billing, and customer service. I was actually hoping to have my SP4 before NOV 20th expecting exceptional service, but so far it has been nothing but a nightmare. I will contact BBB and make note how terrible the experience has been, never in my life has an online purchase gone so bad as this (I've purchased many thousands worth online). I will drive to a local Apple store and pick a device up and drive home with it paying less than what I was willing to do with MS. I have already talked to many of my friends about the experience so far, and my family will get to hear it all when we sit down (I will discuss how grateful I am (scenario 1, how MS expedited my shipment and got my order to me before Thanksgiving) (scenario 2, how MS failed to make a delivery as promised last week, and how exceptional Apple was to take my money for the iPad pro that I will now use on a daily basis). UPS makes an "express critical" shipping which would be best option for this...but I'm good with driving 25 minutes to Apple and making a purchase in person.

SIDENOTE: About me.. I am a full blown Apple family, we own 1 laptop that runs windows on it for testing purposes for programs that I develop. I don't like to run VM if I can avoid it. I haven't purchased a windows product (except Mac Office) in the past 8 years. I was actually excited to try a new Microsoft product, but this experience has cause such pain I may never purchase from them again.

PS. Microsoft PLEASE get your beans in order. This has been the worst experience I have had, if you can make it better I await. If you can do nothing, great that has been all I have seen you do thus far.

Steve B Order #11382337069
Steve B.. Mac Office is not a Windows product. It is a Mac product produced by Microsoft.

My advice to you is to cancel your order.. get an iPad Pro and live with it. Clearly the Microsoft ecosystem is not designed for you, much less a Supply Chain ecosystem.

Do us all a favour stick with crApple please.
Steve B.. Mac Office is not a Windows product. It is a Mac product produced by Microsoft.

My advice to you is to cancel your order.. get an iPad Pro and live with it. Clearly the Microsoft ecosystem is not designed for you, much less a Supply Chain ecosystem.

Do us all a favour stick with crApple please.


Granted, I mis-spoke out of anger when I wrote that. However Windows is a Microsoft product, and without Windows Microsoft would be a whole lot less than what they are today.

I will live with my Apple products of which you may think are crap, which is your opinion (maybe your a MS drone). I don't buy what everyone else is buying, I buy what I think will work. Apple has done so for me. They also deliver prior to their delivery expected dates which helps improve their relation with their purchasers. They have the flaws as well, but without any type of notification from MS in my situation until days after they where supposed to have shipped the product IS bad service.

I have canceled my order, and have requested return label for my keyboard. I WILL take my money elsewhere. It may not be an iPad Pro, but it will not be a Surface Pro. I am also see many complaints about different issues with the surface.

You should also remain on topic instead of going on a rampage about someone that has an issue with the way Microsoft treats its customers. Did you receive your Surface Pro i7 as promised ?
You should also remain on topic instead of going on a rampage about someone that has an issue with the way Microsoft treats its customers. Did you receive your Surface Pro i7 as promised ?
I'm not sure why that guy started attacking you Steve, I guess there are fanboys in every corner of the internet. It's a shame. Your story is really annoying, I would feel the same way if I were you./

However, I own the SP4I5, and I can tell you that it is brilliant. I used to be a Apple guy for a while there, with the Iphone 3g being my first Apple product, and then the Ipad2. I use tech from any company, and simply go for what I perceive to be the best at the time.

The Surface pro range is the best in it's class at this time. The Ipad pro is not even in that league, it is a wannabe. It's still running IOS, which is an amazing interface for consumption. It is a terrible OS for most professional work, be it spreadsheets, photoshop, webdesign. Apple is really copying MS right now, and rightly so. The surface line is growing. The Ipad line is shrinking. People who mention about how many more ipads than surfaces are sold are missing the point, and clearly forgetting companies such as Nokia... even giants fall, and all the flipping time!

Microsoft has clearly dropped the ball on the surface pro 4 launch. I am pretty sure they NEVER had any idea how much interest there was for it, and are simply running out of stock quicker than they can supply it due to the Processor they are using being hot of the press (it was originally supposed to be a 2016 release).

So I can understand why you are skeptical of the company, but my experience of them has been the complete opposite. My SP4 arrived on the correct day. It had a fault (faulty fan) and needed to be shipped back. Calling microsoft, they answer in 20 seconds, accept the return without question, send me a UPS label to send it back, and send me a new one which will have arrived the next day (today wooop).

It's your choice, but you would be letting go of the best product in this class because the manufacturer bodged up on getting it to you. I would likely do the same, but it's an emotional response imo and not a sensible one.

Peace :)
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