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annoying desciption boxes

If adwcleaner didn't - doesn't work I have oher suggestions. You also may want to look at Windows' Internet settings to make certain it doesn't say anything about using a proxy.
the latest annoying prompt, link, description or whatever it's called
I should add that I did click on the link to the story about this plane and even after I closed the article
this was left


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If adwcleaner didn't - doesn't work I have oher suggestions. You also may want to look at Windows' Internet settings to make certain it doesn't say anything about using a proxy.
Adware cleaner doesn't find anything in Explorer of Chrome. I almost think it has to do with HTML or CSS, but I'm no expert either.
What browser is that?

Something isn't right and if you haven't found it by now I'm not certain what to tell you.

Automatically detect settings is correct. Maybe it's the DNS in your router. It's possible it has been hijacked. If you have another computer check to see if they are both using the same DNS.

If you have used those other tools and none found a problem there is one more tool to try It's called Junkware Removal Tool, (JRT), and can be safely downloaded and installed here http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/junkware-removal-tool/

I've been searching for what your malware may be for a day now. No luck.

1. Does it only occur on pictures viewed with a browser, or also with a photo/picture program or app?
2. What photo/picture program or app do you use?
3. What add-ons are you using with Internet Explorer?
Thanks for trying to help. I'll look at the DNS also.
What would you call these boxes? They appear to be nothing more than harmless description info just annoying.
What does hijacked mean? Is someone getting access to my computer? My router is my WOW CABLE. Box and none of my other computers have this issue.
I would call it nagware at the minimum. When you do a search for something, what search engine are you using and do the results appear to be coming from that search engine?
My DNS seems to be fine. BC had a topic link for that too.
I'm using IE for browsing, sometime chrome and google for searching and all appears correct.
I haven 't noticed the boxes in Photoshop or Sketch Pro and I think the boxes appear on both photos and links in my browsers.
Java is the only enabled plugin.
What browser is that?

Something isn't right and if you haven't found it by now I'm not certain what to tell you.

Automatically detect settings is correct. Maybe it's the DNS in your router. It's possible it has been hijacked. If you have another computer check to see if they are both using the same DNS.

If you have used those other tools and none found a problem there is one more tool to try It's called Junkware Removal Tool, (JRT), and can be safely downloaded and installed here http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/junkware-removal-tool/

My Surface didn't like the Junkware download, I clicked download anyway and Windows Defender wouldn't allow.
Temporarily disable Defender. I don't suggest that lightly at all but JRT does work at the system level and will be a tool of last resort. If there is a problem JRT will fix it.
I did as you suggested and it reset the search provider and deleted some extensions in Chrome. It said nothing about IE. I guess it's wait and see if the "nagware" comes back. The log is below
Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) by Thisisu
Version: 6.8.4 (05.29.2015:1)
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Ran by Steve on Fri 05/29/2015 at 23:17:24.09

~~~ Services

~~~ Tasks

~~~ Registry Values

~~~ Registry Keys

~~~ Files

~~~ Folders

~~~ Chrome

[C:\Users\Steve\appdata\local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences] - default search provider reset

[C:\Users\Steve\appdata\local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences] - Extensions Deleted:

[C:\Users\Steve\appdata\local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Secure Preferences] - default search provider reset

[C:\Users\Steve\appdata\local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Secure Preferences] - Extensions Deleted:

Scan was completed on Fri 05/29/2015 at 23:19:28.67
End of JRT log