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Android/iOS users... what Microsoft apps do you use?


Well-Known Member
I've had iPhones for years now and don't have any reason to change over to Windows Phone at the moment, but I do use a lot of Microsoft's apps! How about you? I've got...
  • Microsoft Health - Basically just usage with my Microsoft Band
  • OneDrive - Don't use it often on the phone, but it can be handy for photo back ups
  • OneNote - To be honest I usually use Evernote... but I like that passworded folders are free!
  • Outlook - Wonderful email client. Took me a while to get used to it, but it's much better than Mail
  • Skype - Get a lot of usage from this even if I do only speak to family on it these days
  • Sunrise - I do like this app although it's a little over complicated sometimes
  • Wunderlist - Really getting into this now, wish they'd change the app icon though ;)
Absolutely nothing. I tried OneDrive on my nexus 10 and my phone and my experience was anything but positive. Uninstalled them pronto. While i don't like big phones, i am really tempted by the upcoming MS phone with pen support. I think that could work really well alongside my surfaces. Especially as I'd like a new phone but HTC are no longer a contender for me despite loving them, apple's offerings are a joke imo, as are samsungs. So this does catch my fancy :)
One thing I keep changing my apps for is offline Word documents. Thing is, due to the nature of my work where I rarely have phone signal, the offline part is absolutely necessary and the Word app itself doesn't work like that. The Office app did, but it was very clunky. Next I tried Google Docs which worked a lot better, but ultimately I'm now using Evernote as it opens in there perfectly.
I use Onedrive and Outlook apps on my LG Volt android phone. I use XML viewer from the playstore to link xml files to open in Android Firefox. Otherwise I don't do any real work with my cell.
Syncing Sunrise & Wunderlist was a wunderful (;)) experience! These things rarely work well, but props to Microsoft this time.