I am new here, and I say this with the utmost respect as I mean no harm to anyone. But in my humble opinion
1) It seems as if he/she (the original poster) was in the research phase of purchasing a tablet and wanted to know about the possibility / or the lack there of of being able to run android apps on the surface line of tablets.
2)The original poster assumption about the lack of apps (or the lack of quality apps) in the windows store/ on the windows platform is correct. The truth off the matter is that the windows store is woefully (maybe a little strong) lacking apps/ quality apps (as compared to other eco systems).
3) I am assuming that there are possible many potential surface/windows 8 tablet customers who may share the same concerns as the original poster. A concern of if their choice of apps is available or are of the same quality on windows 8 as it is on other competing platforms.
Those things being said, it does no good to the surface/windows 8 tablet community to chastise those who maybe interested (but may have some reservation) in purchasing a windows 8 tablet, as it may end in the results of pushing away potential windows tablet user and giving them a possible flawed or incorrect viewpoint of my/our chosen eco system.
The only way to grow our user base is not only to highlight the capabilities of the surface/win 8 tablets, but to also help with possible solutions or work arounds to issues (real or perceived) of those who ask of it.
That being said, the poster question is important to me as I was in the process of evaluating something similar (even going so far as to consider the possibility in owning an iPad mini or an equivalent android device to partner with my surface pro). Which is why, I decided to open this post and add my voice to the op of those who are looking for possible solutions or work arounds to this app situation.
Except those concerns are not valid and merely parroting highly skewed public media perceptions by non-users. The reason why the mentality is invalid is because, quite simply, no one will ever install all the apps available in any store. The only valid concern is whether the app store has all the particular apps a user wants/needs. For example, if you regularly use an SSH/SFTP/SCP client app on Android but find it doesn't exist for either iOS/Win8, that's a legitimate issue for the purchase decision.
The mentality of "not enough apps" is no different than believing Trader Joe's is inferior to Costco (U.S.-only analogy, sorry).
Users who are genuinely happy with their Surfaces also recognize that those complaints are quite often irrelevant when looking at the web browser. One of the most common complaints was/is lack of things like Facebook or Youtube apps. But those work perfectly fine in IE, and despite the rest of us saying so, the misconception that you need an app to access those services is still popular--hence the frustration around here.
The only appropriate approach for this is to do an app search ahead of time and ask if there are similar apps for a particular function you want. So few potential buyers try to even do that, and those people who choose only to parrot the popular misconception aren't the type of users who should be buying a Surface anyway, so I don't think that's a loss. We shouldn't worry about "growing" the user base, only correcting misconceptions and offering insights/alternatives to real issues (in other words, list the apps you want)--and the correct target user will hopefully catch on and then join the fold, so to speak.