I think it might be related to that other update you had, macmee. I had to install a couple old updates before I got the big boy.
Either that or you are just plain cursed.
Either that or you are just plain cursed.
I think it might be related to that other update you had, macmee. I had to install a couple old updates before I got the big boy.
Either that or you are just plain cursed.
Here's an example of what I read online:My friend got it on his desktop.
I have no words.
Here's an example of what I read online:
'Windows 8.1 Update' Available From 08 April; 'Mandatory' Update for Windows 8.1 Users - International Business Times
Notice Pointer #4, stating the prerequisites. So there might be some patch not yet on your Surface that potentially does not complete the prerequisites. This must explain why others had to do some sort of housekeeping before they also saw the update.
Anyway, have a look and see what you can find out. Hopefully it helps.
Sounds are working just fine with me, and scale with volume as well.
Oh, sorry to see.The update I have that keeps failing is marked as important:
But every time I try to install it (even from the standalone installer) it fails.
Seriously considering putting my SP2 on ebay and just cutting my losses at this point. I can't even make this post from my SP2 because the touch cover randomly stops working.
My friend got it on his desktop.
I have no words.
Sorry about your delay problemBut just wanted to say thanks for all the (unintended) laughs
I hope it doesn't come to that and MS can sort you out with something more decent. The SP2 is a great machine that fills a market gap really well, it's just a shame that they seem to be so inconsistent. Mine has been fine other than a slightly wobbly kickstand but that can be tightened easily. I hope if you do end up selling it that you don't completely write of Surface
That said, given how badly your SP2 has been treating you I can understand why you'd want to.
Oh, sorry to see.
I know that I received several updates before Update 1 finally was seen, so your error could be one of those failures that is preventing your system from having all the prerequisites.
Have you checked the detailed error code and searched online for a solution? Or did the only solution you ran into was to delete the Windows Update database and re-run Windows Update? Mind you, I've had to do the latter a couple of times on previous PCs.
macmee, again I am sorry you have had all this trouble with YOUR machine. I am well aware that others have had a problem or two. But with that said I'll wager that the MAJORITY of users are not experiencing these issues. Just because some tech sites, forums and such have a few dozen people complaining doesn't mean MS blew it. They have sold in combination well over a million of these things, even a few thousand people with issues isn't indicative of a bad product or FARCE as you put it. Apple manufactures ALL the equipment that runs their OS and all the software must meet strict guide lines therefor it will almost always work. MS on the other hand has an OS that can run THOUSANDS of third party software, devices and such. So getting ALL this stuff to play nice without any control over it is an INCREDIBLE feat! For me, they seem to accomplish this VERY well. From my perspective Windows works pretty darn good considering all the outside interference. As the family tech guy, 90% of all issues I have to fix are directly related to outside interference or equipment issues (not enough RAM, bad RAM, bad MOBO and such). I have 4 people close to me so far with a Surface and none of them have any issues. So my point is this, if the Surface and the OS were such a mess than EVERYBODY would be having these issues. Just because you and a LARGE handful of others experience these issues does not make this WONDERFUL device a farce. Again not trying to debate this just stating that not EVERYBODY is having these issues and blanket "this thing is a farce" statements don't really mean much. Hope your experience improves soon.
In my Update History, when I double-click on a Failed entry, a dialog box pops up which contains some blah, then "Installation status: Failed", then the next line is "Error details: Code xxxx...", then other blah, but an error code is there for all of them.The solution I was given was to install the update form a manual install file which I tried and got the same error. Strangely enough it's not telling me why it's failing, just that it is failing.