I have to go with Thurrott on this one. This mess with the Surface line in general isn't about consumers complaining about their preference of color for the type cover not being available. It's about a company deciding to put hardware on the market that is not stable and reliable as a matter of ordinary business practice - if you disagree with my position, please explain away the same cycle beginning with the SP1 and continuing in the SP2, SP3, SP4 and the Surface Book.
I know...don't buy their product...early adopters "want" to be beta testers...blah, blah, blah.
If I'd paid $350 for either my SP3 or Surface Book I could simply tell myself that's what I get for shopping bargain basement tech. No...I spent nearly $2,000 for the SP3 and over $2000 for the Surface Book. Microsoft, we all have our problems, but, you gotta be kidding...