I believe the only time where I do notice issues is when I check my feedly RSS list and open articles that I am interested in reading before I "Mark As Read" (sometimes up to 15-20 chrome tabs), combine this with Outlook, and our company software (512MB RAM req). It gets even worse when those articles are videos! The performance tab in task manager shows my memory to be fairly constant (3Gigs), but now that I look at it, perhaps the CPU is my problem... I'm using a Core 2 Duo laptop with 4GB RAM, so you can understand why I'm wondering if 8GB will solve my problem... I've never used an i3/5/7 before so I'm wondering if my occasional slow downs are due to the processor or RAM.
I rarely have to use VirtualBox anymore for my corporate Win7 machine (WinXP for legacy software, Win8.1 for personal use).
I rarely have to use VirtualBox anymore for my corporate Win7 machine (WinXP for legacy software, Win8.1 for personal use).