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12-10-15 update problem


New Member
Update went through this morning before my workout. now the double button press to start a guided workout does not work. any help would be great. the button appears to work, it is just not starting the workout.
Is update this for the Microsoft Band 2? I have the Band 2, and have not received an update as of yet.

***EDIT---just got the update.
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Problem solved. I had to load another totally different workout on to it, than reload the original workout to get it functional. kinda funky but I don't care, as long as it works!
me too! it kinda sucks to realize how much you start to rely on the tech for your everyday activities. I have only had my band for a month and I was sort of lost without it. I used to use jefit on an android but I am on a windows phone now. good workout apps, not so much.