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  1. D

    Working on Metro and Desktop simultaneously - A question

    The short answer to your question, is no. If you want to work in metro, you can have one full screen or two in a split screen on a single monitor. Your second one better have some pretty wallpaper because that is all it is good for. As soon as you click on a desktop program, the metro goes away...
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    Sideload Kindle books?

    I sideloaded a bunch of books to my Kindle app on my android smart phone. Use calibre to change them to .azw3 format and then copy them to \kindle directory and see if that works. It worked on the 60 books I did on my phone.
  3. D

    They Cut off Google Calendar sync!!!

    The better choice is to not throw away my $700 android smartphone for some win8 phone and use Google's web interface on my tablet. In addition to a much better interface, I keep my appointments and reminders color coded.
  4. D

    Why does anyone care about the App store?

    There are a few small utilities that have been ported to RT, but not many. A program has to be recompiled for the RT CPU architecture. No x86 programs will run natively on RT.
  5. D

    Why does anyone care about the App store?

    RT will not run all "legacy programs" and will not run some web sites that require a 3rd party install. The biggest one I miss is being able to run Dish Anywhere. It is anywhere except RT due to the slingbox activeX control that needs to be installed. That is why we need RT apps.
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    Modern IE vs. Desktop IE

    I couldn't stand to have 100 random web sites in a big list like that! It might be ok if you go to one web site, close it, back to start, pick another tile, repeat... If I surf, I want to go to several sites, probably related, during that session. It is so much easier to find them in a...
  7. D

    Modern IE vs. Desktop IE

    Absolutely hate the modern version! It might be fine if you want to look up a static web page, but with flash being inconsistant (I know how to add sites, but why should I), total lack of organization of favorites it is miserable to find a bookmark. Add the odd ways to scroll, forward, back...
  8. D

    Do Surface RT and Surface Pro use the same Touch/Type keyboards?

    Is the pro going to be available without a cover? I thought the type cover was just part of the deal.
  9. D

    Windows 8

    Thanks for that tip! I didn't know you could drag metro stuff between monitors. But, it still goes away as soon as you do something on the desktop. The live tiles have potential, but not if I can't see them. What good is a news feed running in the background? What good is just staring at the...
  10. D

    Windows 8

    I agree it was made for touch, but it is badly thought out on dual monitors. The start screen can only be on the "main" monitor, the second always shows the desktop wallpaper. If you click onto that screen it drops the main screen into the desktop. The only thing I've found that is nice is I can...
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    Windows 8

    This does work and is pretty cool, BUT REMEMBER, it only works on Win 8 Pro. I bought a new desktop/All-in-One that came with Win 8 (Standard?, Regular?, NP? not pro) and it doesn't have Remote desktop. It has Remote Assistant, but that is a very poor subsitute. I use Team Viewer Touch to get to...
  12. D

    Teamviewer: Remote Access App (Free for Personal Use)

    It works great and even on boxes that don't support rdp such as XP, Win8 Std. Very similar to splashtop. Can be used on LAN or through internet. Only problem is that it doesn't have a RT server, it is a viewer only so no way to remote control the Surface.
  13. D

    Does Not Turn Off Screen While I Watch Video

    I use the "metro" video app to watch full movies without it turning off. What program are you using to try to watch the movies?
  14. D

    Screen protector with privacy feature

    That would certainly work.... Nobody would come around because somebody might think they were associated with him! :big smile: I've used a monitor visor like that, although it was cardboard and home made, when I had horrible glare, but I did get laughed at!
  15. D

    Screen protector with privacy feature

    As a previous corporate IT guy, I would make sure that grey area is a little blacker. I never allowed personal hardware to access company data. The grey area there is protecting data on a device we didn't control. If I was you, I'd take it to the geekiest IT guy, show him what you want to do and...
  16. D

    Screen protector with privacy feature

    One of the things that I try to impress on people that worry about security is "how likely are you to be "hacked, compromised, stolen"" etc. I understand about sensitive data coming from a medical background, but how likely is it that the person sitting next to you or behind you on a random...
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    Screen protector with privacy feature

    That price is the going rate for those kind of screen films. Looking at them for regular monitors a couple of years ago I was shocked at what they were charging. Best bet, sit with your back to the wall :)
  18. D

    Can't shutdown anymore

    I had the same thing happen to me. I did a refresh and it didn't fix it, I did a complete wipe and restore and it did. Then I went back in and started tweaking like I did before and the bug came back. It was a change that I did after reading it in one of the forums that trashed it again. I undid...
  19. D

    Surface Purchase Experience

    Unless I am just walking in to look around, I order everything on the web and set it for in store pickup. No hassles, no trying to explain to some clueless drone, just go in, pay and out the door. I've heard such nonsense coming out of their mouths talking to other customers, I want to slap them...
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    Notifications on RT

    Look at the lock screen settings. I seem to recall when I set up my mail I had to set it to show notifications on the lock screen so it would work in the background.