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  1. D

    Airport Extreme Workaround

    Hmm I forget how to tell which Extreme you have without looking at the model number.
  2. D

    Airport Extreme Workaround

    So under wireless options on the wireless tab I see a checkbox for the name, that indicates that you can in fact have the 5Ghz band as a separate SSID, but it isn't the default. Using a tool like WiFi Analyzer on my phone shows all the bands across my two devices using the same name.
  3. D

    Airport Extreme Workaround

    The past three iterations of the Airport Extreme should allow for both the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands to be ran on the same SSID. That is the default configuration. What version software is on your routers? My AC is 7.7.3 and my non-ac extreme (first gen dual band) is 7.6.4.
  4. D

    How to max out your CPU all the time (no throttling).

    Yeah 26 for two core and 29 for single core.
  5. D

    July 16 WiFi Firmware Update

    Just a tip, when you see "no adapter found" you can go into device manager and scan for hardware changes. That will bring your WLAN adapter back with no need for a reboot.
  6. D

    Statement from MS

    Have you tried the rescan for device changes trick, instead of rebooting? I have lost my network devices a couple times (before the July Firmware) and scanning for hardware changes always brings it back with no reboots required.
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    New Firmware - July 8, 2014

    If you look in Task Manager (Performance-> WiFi Tab) it will tell you what standard you are using (N, G, AC)
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    New Firmware - July 8, 2014

    2 Apple Airport Extremes. One supports AC and the other only supports N. I have only ever connected using N, haven't bothered to figure out why.
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    New Firmware - July 8, 2014

    I have the same version drivers with no issues. For what it is worth I believe the change logs states that MS is going to release some additional WiFi drivers on the 16th.
  10. D

    When unplugged, my SP3 often turns off when it should sleep

    You can try either a refresh or a factory reset, if neither of those improves it I would take it to a MS store for a replacement, because that isn't normal.
  11. D

    When unplugged, my SP3 often turns off when it should sleep

    Yeah, the only way I can tell is if I have stuff open on my desktop, it is still open when it wakes up from hibernation, not so much when it powers on from being shutdown.
  12. D

    When unplugged, my SP3 often turns off when it should sleep

    Is it hibernating or actually shutting down?
  13. D

    When unplugged, my SP3 often turns off when it should sleep

    Do you have Visual Studio installed by any chance? Or have Hyper-V installed?
  14. D

    Surface Pro 3 and wireless ac

    I have an Apple Airport Extreme with AC support. Oddly enough I can't seem to get any of my AC compatible devices to connect at AC speeds. It could be due to me bridging my network with a non-AC compatible Airport Extreme.
  15. D

    Any Happy SP3 users?

    I am loving my SPro3. Got it to replace a Samsung ATIV 500t. No real software or hardware issues to speak of. Digging the speediness and the larger screen size.
  16. D

    Event 37, being limited by system firmware

    Some folks get the higher performance states by installing Hyper-V, which disables connected standby (InstantGO). I think there is a powercfg setting you can run that will allow you to use it as well.
  17. D

    Max speed reported by task manager

    No sir. In this case I am not seeing any actual performance problems. I was just curious if it is just me.
  18. D

    Max speed reported by task manager

    Hmm. I thought it was showing the maximum turbo boost with 2 cores active. Running the Intel benchmark doesn't change the maximum reading. Though the CPU does run faster.
  19. D

    Max speed reported by task manager

    Is it wrong for anyone else? It should read 2.6 GHz.
  20. D

    iFixit Teardown

    They have broken screens before when they are glued on.