Search results

  1. G

    2 IE's?

    Sorry. My rant wasn't directly at you. I'm just frustrated at all the anti-choice people. I don't understand their mentality. If they hate metro, then just stay in the desktop environment. Why do they want to kill the touch-centric UI? I installed windows 10 tech preview and it would seem...
  2. G

    2 IE's?

    Why would you want less functionality? I love having the option to either use IE in metro or desktop. As an app developer, I used to change functionalities and interfaces in my apps according to how I perceived as improvements. While most people didn't care, there were always a few that were...
  3. G

    Modern Word Processor Discussion Thread

    Even though the system update that broke my app happened 2 weeks ago, people are still emailing me for help on why the app crashes. My responses have been the same: please update! Speaking of update, this week's update adds a few background code that adds stability to the app as well as a...
  4. G

    Amazon cloud drive offers unlimited space for $60/yr

    I just signed up for free 3 months. Man, this is the best deal I've ever seen.
  5. G

    Is there an easy way to roll back to 8.1?

    Windows 7.1 will be officially released in just a few months. I doubt there will be much change between now and then. I've used other technical previews in the past to know that from this point on the core design is already here.
  6. G

    Is there an easy way to roll back to 8.1?

    Thank you, downloading as I'm typing this. What a disappointment... Just had a panic attack from using windows 7.1.
  7. G

    Is there an easy way to roll back to 8.1?

    IE full screen for "tablet mode" is the same as IE on 7. It's 7 that can run metro apps in windows. Sure, system menus are moved around, but everything else is 7. I have not seen anything that differentiates this from 7. I bet that if I take this to work and show people, they'll believe me...
  8. G

    Is there an easy way to roll back to 8.1?

    Just link me to your search results. I was promised a windows 10, not a windows 7.1.
  9. G

    Is there an easy way to roll back to 8.1?

    Can you link me to your search result?
  10. G

    Is there an easy way to roll back to 8.1?

    First of all, I have a bigger problem to solve right now. I'm stuck in 9926 with absolutely no way to move forward or backward. All attempts at updating gives me error 0x80070103. Start menu button doesn't work. Notification button on the bottom right doesn't work.
  11. G

    Is there an easy way to roll back to 8.1?

    I did. I went from build 100... to 9926. Now nothing works. When I try to go back further, it says some files are missing. When I try to update to 100... again, I get error 0x80070103. Can't go forward. Can't go backward. My question is why would MS make another version of windows 7...
  12. G

    Is there an easy way to roll back to 8.1?

    Frankly, I'm not impressed with 10. It's pretty much 7 that can run metro apps. And when in tablet mode, it's just auto-full screen windows. I think I'll be skipping 10. What's the easiest way to going back to 8.1?
  13. G

    Reviews for apps in the store are missing?

    I noticed that many of the reviews for apps are missing in the winstore once I upped to win10. What happened?
  14. G

    I miss the ergonomic design of Windows 8

    I just installed windows 10 build 10041 last night. In the back of my head, I'm super-annoyed that they went too far too far to appease all the stupid whiners. It feels like windows 7 again. All the gestures in the ergonomic design of 8.1 seem to be gone. Why? In the front of my head...
  15. G

    How do I bring back metro IE?

    Metro haters, please don't... Anyone know how I can bring back the metro IE? I just upgraded to 10 preview.
  16. G

    Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

    Hey guys, I want to install the windows 10 technical preview to start upgrading my apps. Is 10 tech preview stable enough to use as primary system? I'm now down to just 1 device, my sp3, for everything. So, I can't mess this up.
  17. G

    Modern Word Processor Discussion Thread

    YAY!!! After having worked on the equation editor on and off for several weeks, I finally got it to working perfectly. You can add, edit, and insert the equation into any part of the document. Woohoo!
  18. G

    Is there a problem with the recent windows updates?

    Of course there was a problem. It killed my app. I had to endure a hundred angry emails from users and 2 days without sleep to fix it.
  19. G

    Modern Word Processor Discussion Thread

    UPDATE: Permanent fix with latest update version I have found a permanent solution to the incompatibility issue that the recent windows system update introduced. I have implemented the solution and submitted an update to the windows store. This update will make Metro Word compatible...
  20. G

    Modern Word Processor Discussion Thread

    After having shifted through all the components and windows updates from the last several days, I have identified the problem. I am working very hard to make Metro Word fully compatible with the updates. I expect to have the solution within a couple days and will immediately send out an update...