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WTF! battery problems!


I defend this tablet all over the place and have to battle many stupid apple fans.
but now I'm having an issue.

All of a sudden my battery is being drained at night.

I normally watch a tv show or 2 before bed on netflix or other sites, then swipe down to close, press the sleep button, roll over and sleep.

Now with a full charge, 2 small shows, I'm waking up to the battery almost drained, a few more hours of non use and its DEAD!

I'm really annoyed that this is an issue.

WTF could be causing this? some stupid POS app?
Whats pissing me off even more, there is NO way to tell.. on Android, I can simply see what apps are using power and even go further to find out HOW MUCH power.

So.. what do I do?

well you are in luck;

1. Swipe from right to show charms bar
2. Hit search and type: powercfg /energy
3. On the top item that shows, hold down for a second or so, and select "Run as administrator"
4. The report will then be saved to: C:\Windows\System32\energy-report.html
5. You'll need to move the file to the desktop to open it.

The report is quite extensive.
The battery report is extensive, but it won't really show if an app/program is crashing and preventing the tablet from properly sleeping or the screen turns itself on or something.

e.g.: http://www.surfaceforums.net/forum/...ral-discussion/4098-power-drain-question.html

Keep in mind that the "closing" swipe function was changed between Windows 8.0 and 8.1. Now to properly CLOSE a metro app, you have to swipe down and HOLD until the tile flips over and disappears.

Also, a word of advice: Don't bother trying to change the hardcore Apple users' minds. It's like trying to convince Scientologists that other religions are legitimate.

Enjoy your device to the fullest, do more than they can do, and you already got the last laugh.
well you are in luck;

1. Swipe from right to show charms bar
2. Hit search and type: powercfg /energy
3. On the top item that shows, hold down for a second or so, and select "Run as administrator"
4. The report will then be saved to: C:\Windows\System32\energy-report.html
5. You'll need to move the file to the desktop to open it.

The report is quite extensive.

Got excited for a second..

but it doesn't work.. "powercfg /energy" does nothing but a bing search

powercfg alone, does somethign in the run/dos command quickly but then disappears
ok.. Well after some more searching, I found out I had to do that command in command promp.. didn't work in just the search bar in the charms menu

anyway, here is what I saw


says something is wrong, but where do I read this report at?
Screenshot (4).png
well you are in luck;

1. Swipe from right to show charms bar
2. Hit search and type: powercfg /energy
3. On the top item that shows, hold down for a second or so, and select "Run as administrator"
4. The report will then be saved to: C:\Windows\System32\energy-report.html
5. You'll need to move the file to the desktop to open it.

The report is quite extensive.

As I stated you will find it in C:\Windows\System32\energy-report.html and you will need to move it to the desktop to access it...
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sorry, I found it right away after I posted that.

Photobucket via the surface doesn't give you links to post things.. Which is weird and demands a separate thread in itself.

Anyway, here is what I found


notice the video driver issue.. its saying its preventing the tablet to go to sleep, which would be the reason for this battery issue
I think you mean Audio Driver, anyway did you load yesterday's Audio Driver Update?
Mine seems to be losing more battery life than I expected over night as well. I ran the report and it appears that dwm.exe is using most of my CPU. Is this normal?
DWN.exe is the Desktop Windows Manager it will normally take a lit if memory... What was going in on your desktop for the minute this program took to run?