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Wireless problems - yet again


New Member

I am having issues (as it seems are most SB2 users) with WiFI. I noticed horrible jitter/loss when using my softphone, particually in the afternoons or after using the device for a few hours. When i look at the ping responses they seem to increase up to 400ms, so im not surprised my softphone has issues. I have also reloaded my SB completely with a new image of the software and downloaded the latest driver pack from MS. This has not resolved the issue. Anyone else having these problems? I have noticed that having lots of tabs open on my browser (firefox or IE) also cause this, closing the browser completely or rebooting immediatly solves the issue, but it always comes back.

I do not have these issues with any other device on my network and plugging a lan cable in also fixes the problem. I have changed my WiFI router too, so see if that would help.

I'm getting bored now of having to reboot my £2500 laptop to make it work. Wish i'd just stuck with my Macbook Pro!
This seems to be a compatibility issue that the SB2's Marvell AVASTAR Wireless-AC Network Controller has with some wi-fi routers. I find that if this happens to me, I can generally fix it by going to the relevant network adapter device driver Advanced tab, and taking the Band entry off Auto, and fixing it to 5 GHz only.
When I get to another wifi site I then set it back to Auto, as that usually works OK.
This seems to be a compatibility issue that the SB2's Marvell AVASTAR Wireless-AC Network Controller has with some wi-fi routers. I find that if this happens to me, I can generally fix it by going to the relevant network adapter device driver Advanced tab, and taking the Band entry off Auto, and fixing it to 5 GHz only.
When I get to another wifi site I then set it back to Auto, as that usually works OK.

I own two SB2s 15" 1TB units, and neither one of them has this issue. I wonder what AVASTAR controllers I have ...
This seems to be a compatibility issue that the SB2's Marvell AVASTAR Wireless-AC Network Controller has with some wi-fi routers. I find that if this happens to me, I can generally fix it by going to the relevant network adapter device driver Advanced tab, and taking the Band entry off Auto, and fixing it to 5 GHz only.
When I get to another wifi site I then set it back to Auto, as that usually works OK.
THanks, i have changed to 5Ghz, so will see if that makes any difference. Not great for a £2500 laptop though....i don't have this problem with my HP laptop, ipad, iphone or Samsung TV....ironicaly the most expensive device i own is the only one that has problems.... :-(
Screenshot 2020-09-10 105236.png

Screenshot 2020-09-10 105328.png
I have a surface Studio 2. My Wi-Fi Internet speed test is very slow 30 to 35 Mbps.

The update of the most recent Marvel firmware did not correct the problem! This slow Wi-Fi connection is deep rooted in the Marvel Wi-Fi hardware.

The problem is not related to my Wi-Fi router. When I do the same Internet speed test with another computer equipped with another Wi-Fi hardware (not Marvel?!) , have 300 to 350 Mbps.

How can you explain theat a non Marvel Wi-Fi system has an Internet speed 10 times faster?
I noticed elsewhere someone reported they had slow WiFi if the device was plugged in (charging) but it was fine unplugged. Is there any difference plugged in or not?

"The problem is not related to my Wi-Fi router. When I do the same Internet speed test with another computer equipped with another Wi-Fi hardware (not Marvel?!) , have 300 to 350 Mbps."
There's actually no evidence of this since it's different chipsets being used. That's not how science works.

Must be VERY annoying to have a premium computer give you this trouble.

It is good you did a test with another computer equipped with a non-Marvel adapter. However, that did not eliminate that either your router or your computer are specifically having a compatibility problem with one-another. This may be keeping you from getting full speed. I assume you are on the 5GHz connection.

Purchasing an inexpensive USB Wifi adapter for your Surface Studio 2 would be a better test, though it costs a little money ($US 12 to 50). If it gives you much better speed, it MAY indicate an issue with software/firmware outside of Marvel. At least it will be an improvement nonetheless.