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Windows RT Salvation: Merging with Windows Phone

Over reading, Windows 8.1/RT and Phone share the same kernel already, the issue currently is Phone uses XNA and Silverlight as it development platform while 8/RT uses WinRT for the Modern UI Apps. In Phone 8.1 (Blue) the switch to WinRT for phones will take place allowing for a code once and compile twice or 3 times and the app will run across all 3 platforms. The 2 ARM Platforms will continue to merge as Office Gemini is released and less and less emphasis on the desktop happens.
Over reading, Windows 8.1/RT and Phone share the same kernel already, the issue currently is Phone uses XNA and Silverlight as it development platform while 8/RT uses WinRT for the Modern UI Apps. In Phone 8.1 (Blue) the switch to WinRT for phones will take place allowing for a code once and compile twice or 3 times and the app will run across all 3 platforms. The 2 ARM Platforms will continue to merge as Office Gemini is released and less and less emphasis on the desktop happens.

Do you have direct knowledge that this will happen for sure with WP8.1 or is it still a while out before we see apps available across all platforms such as RT/8.1?
Over reading, Windows 8.1/RT and Phone share the same kernel already, the issue currently is Phone uses XNA and Silverlight as it development platform while 8/RT uses WinRT for the Modern UI Apps. In Phone 8.1 (Blue) the switch to WinRT for phones will take place allowing for a code once and compile twice or 3 times and the app will run across all 3 platforms. The 2 ARM Platforms will continue to merge as Office Gemini is released and less and less emphasis on the desktop happens.

You expect me to believe that Microsoft is making a move that makes sense and might actually lead to a viable product line that rocks a little bit? I mean what are you are saying sounds logical and awesome and I just can't believe a company that brought us the 'Kin' would be doing this now... ./shakes head in refusal... :) :shocked:

P.S. Spaniard I love your new Avatar. ITS FIXED NAO!
Do you have direct knowledge that this will happen for sure with WP8.1 or is it still a while out before we see apps available across all platforms such as RT/8.1?

As I don't work for Microsoft, I don't have direct knowledge, but from what was said at Build and WMC in June as well as what was said on the FAM call on Thursday, WP 8.1 is moving to WinRT which means the only difference will be screen resolution of older phones.
What we've really had, is a few snippets of commentary coming out of the recent Microsoft financial meetings. It really doesn't add up to a full picture of what Microsoft really mean when they talk about merging things together.

The salvation for Windows RT, and indeed for Windows 8, is only going to come if the media get off the 'Screw Microsoft' bandwagon that they're all largely on at the moment, the one where only iPads and Android devices truly count as tablets, and anything running Windows is still evaluated as an 'old fashioned' PC, regardless of what hardware it's on or how touch optimised the UI is.

As for the merging of RT and Windows Phone ... we need a much clearer vision of what they're thinking before we can really be passing judgement.