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Windows 10 has killed my Bluetooth connections...


Well-Known Member
In big trouble here! Windows 10 has decided that it doesn't want any of my Bluetooth connections to work, and this is an issue due to my mouse and audio being connected that way.

What happened to being with is in Devices > Bluetooth it'd say everything was paired but it wouldn't be working, and I couldn't delete them and start again (came up with failed) this is in the new and old type settings. I tried disabling/enabling in Device Manager which didn't make a difference either.

Thought I'd give a PC Reset a go... that failed too! It got to 100% after about 20 minutes then BSOD twice during various reboots and eventually came up with 'Undoing changes' and I was back to my desktop with an error message saying it was unable to complete the reset :(

So I'm kind of stuck. I might try uninstalling the Bluetooth driver completely, but does anyone know where to get it again?

Oh and one slight change since the attempted reset... I now can't turn Bluetooth on at all! The toggle literally won't change. This is worrying.
Wish I saw that reply before attempting one more reset! Which gave me a continuous cycle of booting to BSOD :( so I couldn't even turn the thing on in the end. Had to download Windows 10 on to a USB stick on my girlfriend's computer then re-install from that in the end.

It kept asking me for a key which I said to 'skip' but I have now activated via a text code from Microsoft... will that shut that up now?

Anyway Bluetooth is working again thank God, but I'll certainly try the above if it happens again! What does it actually do by the way? I tried toggling the Bluetooth controller within Services and Flight Mode as well before that final reset.
Sfc scans all your files. With scannow it will repair the ones corrupted. I've updated 14 machines, 11 had corrupted files and problems after update. After running sfc, everything works well