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Which SB w/ PB?

Mary (my wife) has given me the go ahead to buy a new computer for Christmas.

I went down to the Microsoft store and decided to get the Surface Book with Performance Base.

I've played with idea of spending another $300 and upgrading to 16 gig and 500 gig SSD. Although this seems attractive to me I'm really not certain what the extra 8 gig of ram would do for me. For the most part I use the computer for editing photos and surfing. I'm considering adding an xbox controller and using it for some gaming as well although I've not been into that for a long time.

Anyone familiar with the advantages of getting a more decked out system or are my instinct correct in that the extra power would be wasted on my paltry needs?

My personal opinion is that you will never regret getting more than you need, but could very well regret getting less. You might not think you need it now, but if you are going to invest this much money, why not go with the extra couple of bucks just in case. You never know what you might decide to try in the future. Now, if the extra $300 is going to prevent you from paying a bill or eating for a week, that's a different story.
Mary (my wife) has given me the go ahead to buy a new computer for Christmas.

I went down to the Microsoft store and decided to get the Surface Book with Performance Base.

I've played with idea of spending another $300 and upgrading to 16 gig and 500 gig SSD. Although this seems attractive to me I'm really not certain what the extra 8 gig of ram would do for me. For the most part I use the computer for editing photos and surfing. I'm considering adding an xbox controller and using it for some gaming as well although I've not been into that for a long time.

Anyone familiar with the advantages of getting a more decked out system or are my instinct correct in that the extra power would be wasted on my paltry needs?

The 500 GB will help more then the 16 gb of ram.
After some thought I decided to go with the 16/500. The other will be returned on Friday to the MS store. I have gotten the same advice from multiple sources. It's especially valid given that there is no post purchase upgrade path that I can see. BTW; I can't subtract; it's a $400 upgrade after all.


I use my Surface Book with Performance Base 1 TB for work and play, and thoroughly enjoy it. I do geophysics work, and live in Shenzhen, China and the Pacific Northwest. This machine travels well, and does everything I need.

Your 16/500 should serve you well.
So on Thursday I decided to make the return and went to the MSS on the way to work. Did the facial recognition at the store and didn't open it again until Friday afternoon. At any rate, opened it at home on Friday afternoon and nada; wouldn't recognize nor would it accept anything other than the OK response to the fact that it wasn't logging me in. Basically bricking. I didn't check the package to make certain it was the correct model but put it away and headed back to the store. Explained the problem and verified they'd given me the 1 gig video model instead of the 2 gig Performance Base. So bricked and the incorrect model yielded me paying an additional $100 and finally getting the correct computer that I'm typing on now. In the middle of the updates. Liking it so far. I wonder if it was intentional that they sent me off with the older model. Why would anyone want the older one with less battery life and less capable video to save $100? Also met the HR person for the north east. A very sweet lady at least from a customer perspective.