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Warranty question


New Member
I just registered my surface online and I checked the warranty and it says Hardware warranty expires: 05/02/2016. But on the microsoft store it says 1year. I'm a little confused about the warranty duration. Which one would be correct? do I really get warranty up to 2016? FYI I bought this as a student price in Australia
I'm happy to be corrected, but I think the 2016 date is recognition of Australian laws.
1 year minimum; more if mandated by local laws.
I'm happy to be corrected, but I think the 2016 date is recognition of Australian laws.
1 year minimum; more if mandated by local laws.

You're right. I remember MS getting into trouble last year with the standard stated 1 year warranty when selling globally. While the advertised standard warranty for Surface is 1 year U.S., different countries have different laws regarding required minimum warranties. Europe requires 2 years, with other complications, Australia is likely similar.

You can contact MS direct for clarification, though I'd personally go by what's listed on your account.