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using headphones-how?

Ok stupid question. How do I get the headphones to work? I stick it into the headphone jack on the side, but the sound still comes out of the speakers. I think I found the headphone volume control, but all I hear is the "ding!" when I move the slider up or down on the headphone volume. but sound is still coming out of the speakers on the surface.
Um.. that's so stupid I'll have to double check that I did push it in all the way. Now that you mentioned it, I did have issue pushing it in.. I'll check when I get my surface from the car.
The 3.5mm jack location I feel is awkwardly high and I don't want a long wire dangling so I might just opt for Bluetooth earbuds.
Bluetooth earphones is awesome, I have these little creative BT headphones and they ROCK! luv em
As I said, it was a stupid question. lol. You got me thinking it had to be something simple as it should just "activate" when a headphone is plugged in. I did have it in all the way. It turned out the program I was running actually had the ability to direct sound to a device. So that would explain why I heard the audio from the surface speakers (from the program) yet heard the windows "ding" sound from the headphones. Thanks, your comments helped.
Bluetooth earphones is awesome, I have these little creative BT headphones and they ROCK! luv em

I gave up with bluetooth earphones after a bad experience with some Sony ones... maybe I should try again one day :) I'm sure the technology much have advanced!